Can someone help me?!
I need to help a friend finishing her installation today, but I need your help.
I want to code a simple oscillator controlled by a potentiometer, connected to a speaker.
The goal is to emulate some CYMATICS in a speaker, with a container of water.
I have some experience with cymatics, and I know it's possible and simple.
But I don't how to code an oscillator, and I need your help.
If is it possible to ask for a scheme how to code and how to assemble it, it would be really helpful because she needs to finish this today.
I moved your topic to an appropriate forum category @joaomiro.
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But first we need your help in telling us about this project.
First off, what sort of Arduino are you hoping to use?
Then what frequency range do you want?
What waveform do you want, I am assuming a sin wave?
Finally what sort of power do you need to supply to the object you want to vibrate?
It is unlikely that you will be able to get the amplifier you need today, so is it worth the effort?
const int encoderDT = 2;
const int encoderCLK = 3;
const int speakerPin = 9;
Encoder myEncoder(encoderDT, encoderCLK);
int lastEncoderPos = 0;
int frequency = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int encoderPos =;
if (encoderPos != lastEncoderPos) {
// Adjust the frequency based on the encoder position change
frequency += (encoderPos - lastEncoderPos) * 10;
frequency = constrain(frequency, 50, 5000); // Limit the frequency range