I'm trying to adapt the Osepp motor shield to run two motors based on a sketch that has already been written and proved out but did not have the Osepp motor shield library in mind when he wrote it.
The project converts a receiver signal from the transmitter/receiver setup to drive a two track car/tank. He used the Arduino Uno to convert the receiver signal and created a standalone L293D chip to drive the motors.
The project is here: RCArduino: RC Channels, L293D Motor Driver - Part 2 Calibration And Code
What I want to do is change the sketch output pins slightly to control the Osepp shield rather than build a standalone L293D chip motor driver since the Osepp board already has them incorporated.
The problem is, although I have the schematics for the Osepp shield "schematic in attachment" I don't know what pins need to receive PWM/HIGH or LOW signals in-order to turn on each motor and Run Forward/Backward or Stop.
The library uses commands like below rather than pin out assignments:
(RELEASE) = " stop"
(AF_DCMotor) = "assign which motor to run"
(FORWARD) = "forward"
(BACKWARD) = "backward"
(setSpeed) = "setspeed"
I cant find an answer of what kind of signal "PWM/HIGH/LOW" is generated to what pins by Arduino when a command like one above is given. I've tried the Adfruit support web site to find the this answer but have not had any luck.
I'm really just wondering if someone already knows how to control the shield by pin-outs rather than by the library?
I would be happy to post the sketch here. It is rather lengthy, that's why I haven't posted it as yet.
Thanks in advance
OSEPP_motor_shield_v1-0.pdf (20.1 KB)