Hello, I`m builded heat room model in matlab and get Pi settings for regulator but "I" parameter is very low 0.0046.. In OsPid I can only write 0.00. Is there any chance to increase precision of "I" parameter? Or maybe someone could recommend other PID software for arduino with bigger precision. Thanks for help and sorry about my english:)
What is "OSPid" ?
Is this a Matlab question (for some other Forum) or have you an Arduino program which you have not posted?
Arduino based open source PID controller with frontend.
All software is on this website.
Arduino based open source PID controller with frontend.
All software is on this website.
My favourite sort of website - all fabulous pictures and not a shred of useful information.
I'm not going to study some website just so I can explain it to you.
If you can post the Arduino program you are having trouble with I might be able to help.
Thank You Robin2 for your attention:)
On line 42 there are parameters for PID I had wrote mine for example:
double kp = 20.10174, ki = 0.0046, kd = 2;
but when I`m connect i see old parameters (P - 100, I -0,01, D - 0.00). OsPID uses eeprom files maybe that is the place where the parameters are holded. Do you know what precision of parameters is in PID Arduino library?
Do you know what precision of parameters is in PID Arduino library?
I had a falling-out with the Arduino PID library. See this Thread for my experiences. Sorry, there's a lot of it. The code I finished with is here. And the code I am now using for my small DC motor is a great deal shorter than that.