OTA upload doesn't stop

The OTA upload works fine. The device re boot. But the process continues to run on IDE. And I have to force to stop it.


Hi @alezan. Thanks for your report.

This bug is being tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject.

Ok thank you.

You are welcome. I hope this problem will be resolved. I was affected by it for a day, then it just completely stopped happening for no discernable reason and has never come back since then. So maybe you will get lucky and find it goes away even before the developers are able to provide a true fix.

Arduino 2.01, latest Version
Windows 10
ESP8266 Adafruit Huzzah Breakout
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>

Same issue as reported by alezan
but The Output view freezes at "Uploading........................" and the status window shows "uploading" forever. I have to restart IDE to reset the state.
All works fine with Arduino 1.8

Issue checklist

  • [X] I searched for previous reports in the issue tracker
  • [X] I verified the problem still occurs when using the latest nightly build
  • [X] My report contains all necessary details

I have the same problem.
Arduino 2.01, Board and Libraries - latest Version
Win11 22H2
"DOIT ESP32 DevKit V1" (Espressif)
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>

Same issue on 2.0.2

also the same issue here on 2.02 : )

same with 2.03 nightly 20221125 ...

With 2.0.2 the connection is released after around 20mn

A great workaround would be to cancel the upload. (I missed it on arduino 1 so it isn't really a workarond)

Hi @wgbeckmann

Do you mean the IDE should automatically cancel the upload, or that the user should do it manually?

Either would be helpful until it can be resolved : )

The feature request for allowing the user to cancel an upload process is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject.

same issue with 2.0.3 :frowning:

It seems to work in the Nightly build, so I guess it is close to be fixed in the next release. :slight_smile:

Sorry Dernebo, it's still present in version 2.0.4

Yes., Issue still happening in 2.0.4

Yes @meslin I am sorry to say it does. I Was just glad to see that it worked for me but now t seems to me that it is a bit intermittent. Sometimes the upload message disappears and most of the time it dont.

I have solved it using a solution that @Juraj mentioned to me in another post. Got it to work, and thats the way I am handling the upload at the moment.


Still waiting for the upload-thing in this thread to be fully fixed.

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