Our LCD game is not working HELP?!

// letsarduino.com
// [Project 11] - 2 Servos Using a Joystick 
//  (thumbstick) + Arduino

#include <Servo.h>  

int ServoHorizontalPin = 3;   
int ServoVerticalPin =  4;   
int HorizontalPotPin = A0;  
int VerticalPotPin = A1;  
int ServoH_Min = 0;  
int ServoH_Max = 180; 
int ServoV_Min = 0; 
int ServoV_Max = 180; 

Servo HorizontalServo;  
Servo VerticalServo;    

int HorizontalPotValue;         
int HorizontalServoPosition;    
int VerticalPotValue;         
int VerticalServoPosition;    

void setup()   

void loop()  
  HorizontalPotValue  = analogRead(HorizontalPotPin); 
  VerticalPotValue  = analogRead(VerticalPotPin);  
  HorizontalServoPosition  = map(HorizontalPotValue, 0, 1023, ServoH_Min , ServoH_Max); 
  VerticalServoPosition  = map(VerticalPotValue, 0, 1023, ServoH_Min , ServoH_Max);   

There are no references to an LCD, so it not surprising it doesn't work.

thanks ill look over it

There are no references to an LCD, so it not surprising it doesn't work.

As far as I see his code plays with two potentiometers and two servos, so it must be a potentiometer/servo game.

But I do not understand the rules fof this game and what the player is expected to do to win the game or to beat the highscore.

Welcome to the forum.

You image you tried to post did not materialize.

Tom... :slight_smile: