Output pulse / accurate Timing using micros

How can i get more accurate Timing using micros output pulse.
here is my code.
when testing the pulse is not accurate..

output pulse timing

unsigned long currentMicros, Micros;
int HILO = 0;
int DELAY = 50;
void setup() 
 DDRD |= 1 << 5; // SET D5 AS OUTPUT
 cli();   //  Disable global interrupts while we make our changes.
 TIMSK0 &= ~(1 << TOIE0);   //  Disable Timer 0.
 sei();    //  Enable global interrupts.
 currentMicros = micros();
 Micros = currentMicros; 
void loop() 
 currentMicros = micros();
 if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAY && HILO == 0) { PORTD |= 0B00100000; HILO = 1; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 HIGH
 if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAY && HILO == 1) { PORTD &= 0B00000000; HILO = 0; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 LOW


You can't, really. What do you need it for? If you just need to generate a pulse train, use a timer.

it takes time to cycle through loop (), this is where some time discrepancy is coming from, a while ago i did measure it on a due, it was microseconds if i remember, on a 328 you can times that by at least 4. you could try putting it in a while loop and see the difference.

more is coming from the 2 ifs, try an if else, so only one condition gets checked each time

but you seem to be familiar with register access, set up a pwm output, or a timer counter interrupt. then it will be accurate to clock cycles not microseconds

thinks ill try a while loop. i will be using it to send bits to a RX module when i get the timing accurate

Also you don't need to perform the test on currentMicros twice. You're wasting time there.

i dont know much about communication. but i imagine the timing would have to be fairly accurate. you wont get that with a polling approach. you havent even added any other code, once you do your timing goes out the window

use an interrupt

I tryed this it is better but still not accurate//

unsigned long currentMicros, Micros;
int HILO = 0;
//////////////////////// SEND BIT 0
int DELAYHI0 = 262;
int DELAYLO0 = 418;
//////////////////////// SEND BIT 1
int DELAYHI1 = 471;
int DELAYLO1 = 209;
void setup() 
 DDRD |= 1 << 5; // SET D5 AS OUTPUT

 currentMicros = micros();
 Micros = currentMicros; 
void loop() 

void PULSE()
  currentMicros = micros();
  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SEND BIT 0
  if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAYLO0 && HILO == 0) { PORTD |= 0B00100000; HILO = 1; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 HIGH FOR 262us
  currentMicros = micros();
  if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAYHI0 && HILO == 1) { PORTD &= 0B00000000; HILO = 2; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 LOW  FOR 418us
  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SEND BIT 1
  currentMicros = micros();
  if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAYLO1 && HILO == 2) { PORTD |= 0B00100000; HILO = 3; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 HIGH FOR 262us
  currentMicros = micros();
  if(currentMicros - Micros > DELAYHI1 && HILO == 3) { PORTD &= 0B00000000; HILO = 0; Micros = currentMicros; } // SET D5 LOW  FOR 418us

i dont know much about communication. but i imagine the timing would have to be fairly accurate. you wont get that with a polling approach. you havent even added any other code, once you do your timing goes out the window

use an interrupt



Wow. I tell you you don't need to do it twice, now you're doing it four times! :slight_smile:


How can i get more accurate Timing using micros output pulse.

It is much easier to read code when there is one item on each line like

if (currentMicros - Micros > DELAY && HILO == 0) {
    PORTD |= 0B00100000; 
    HILO = 1; 
    Micros = currentMicros; 

This will be a little more accurate if you change the last line to

    Micros += DELAY;

as it will eliminate accumulating errors

For an explanation read Several Things at a Time

However micros() increments in steps of 4 and if that is too coarse then you need to use a HardwareTimer to manage the timing.
