OV7670+JAVA problems

Hi,guys. When I try to use ov7670 to be a carma.
I meet some problems.

first,i use eclipse to "run" my code.
In console,it show:
Port name: COM1
Port name: COM9
Looking for image

and there are stop.
no any line and can't get the photo.

second,when i press 1 more times "run"
In console,it show:
Port name: COM1
Port name: COM9
javax.comm.PortInUseException: Port currently owned by SimpleReadApp
at javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier.open(CommPortIdentifier.java:337)
at com.epam.SimpleRead.(SimpleRead.java:40)
at com.epam.SimpleRead.main(SimpleRead.java:29)

So how can i solve this problems and what is that?
also,i want to ask what is comm.API.

finally,thanks for you help and i upload the code see what is the error.
sorry for my bad english.
The file is not varus.

The file is not varus.

What is it? You should always post code as text in your post USING CODE TAGS (</> button on the toolbar). If the code is longer than the forum will allow then attach the file. Generally text is preferrable to images but in some cases posting images is appropriate. You should embed the image using the photo button on the toolbar. You can attach and embed images following the instructions here:

My guess is the problem is caused by the port being open in another application. Are you sure you have the correct port selected? You can test this by unplugging and then plugging back in the Arduino and watch which port disappears and reappears.

@bigmm8777, do not cross-post. Other thread removed.

Where does the Arduino come into this?

When talking about errors with java... The programming langangue is not java, then why arduino uses java?

The Arduino developers use Java, as far as I know, in writing the IDE. However users of Arduinos don't need to know Java.

Port currently owned by SimpleReadApp

It sounds like another app has the port open, yes?