OverFlowing SRAM?

I am currently working on a robot and I have finally gotten the circuitry and the coded to work nicely, said robot is and underwater robot. I am using an arduino to control the robot by having it output servo values between 0-180 to the motor controllers. this works great for about 2-20 seconds before it freezes for a period of time and then works again, this cycle repeats it's self. I have a USB host sheild that the arduino is pluged in to then 4 pwm pins are used to communicate with the motor controllers. I am using an Uno if that matter, my code is what follows.

#include <Servo.h>
#include <XBOXUSB.h>
#ifdef dobogusinclude
#include <spi4teensy3.h>
#include <SPI.h>

// 0 is full reverse, 90 full stop, 180 full forward

USB Usb; //declares a Usb device usb
XBOXUSB Xbox(&Usb); //sets a xbox  usb device at usbs location

Servo Y1M; // Servo for Y motion (Forward, Backward)
Servo Y2M; // Servo for x motion (Left, Right)
Servo Z1M; // Servo for z motion (Up, down)
Servo Z2M; // Servo for R motion (Rotation)

void setup()
  Y1M.attach(10, 1000, 2000); //Pick the pin for Y motion
  Y2M.attach(3, 1000, 2000); //Pick the pin for X motion
  Z1M.attach(5, 1000, 2000); //Pick the pin for Z motion
  Z2M.attach(6, 1000, 2000); //Pick the pin for R motion

#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
  while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
    Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start"));
    while (1); //halt
  Serial.print(F("\r\nXBOX USB Library Started"));


void joysticks()

  int Prop;
  int input;
  int Turn;
  if (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > 7500 || Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < -7500) //Sets dead zones for left sticks Y
    input = Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY); //set input equal to the y value of the stick
    if (input > 0)
      Prop = (input / 364.07777) + 90;
    else if (input < 0)
      Prop = (input / 364.07777) + 90;
    Serial.print(F("\nY: "));
  if (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) < 7500 && Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY) > -7500) //fullstop if inside deadzones
  if (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) > 7500 || Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatX) < -7500) //Sets dead zones for left sticks Y

    Turn = Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatX); //set input equal to the y value of the stick
    if (Turn > 0)// turn left if the joystick is pushed to the left
      Serial.print(F("\nTurning left"));

    else if (Turn < 0)//turn right if joystick pushed right
      Serial.print(F("\nTurning right"));


void updown()
  int input;

  if (Xbox.getButtonPress(L2))// take 0-255 and give a value between 90-0
    input = Xbox.getButtonPress(L2) / -2.833333333333333 + 90;
  else if (Xbox.getButtonPress(R2))//take 0-255 and give a value between 90-180
    input = (Xbox.getButtonPress(R2) / 2.833333333333333) + 90;
  else // fullstop
void loop() {
  if (Xbox.Xbox360Connected)

You seem to be defining your servo instances and attaching them repeatedly. That probably does not help. Define and attach them once in setup()


You seem to be defining your servo instances and attaching them repeatedly. That probably does not help. Define and attach them once in setup()


thank you I will try it and let you know if it work.

Sadly this did not fix the issue. I will go ahead and update the code in the post.

Sadly this did not fix the issue. I will go ahead and update the code in the post.

Please DO NOT update the earlier code. Just post the updated version in a new Reply so as to maintain the chronology of the Thread.
