Overriding PCINT1_vect defined in SoftwareSerial()

Can anyone explain how I would redefine the PCINT1_vect ISR to eliminate the one defined in softwareSerial? I am not a C++ programmer, so I don't understand what was done in SoftwareSerial.cpp .

I need to monitor pin changes on that port, but SoftwareSerial has already defined a function for that purpose and I get an error when compiling.

SoftwareSerial\SoftwareSerial.cpp.o: In function __vector_10': E:\Installers\Arduino\arduino-1.0.1-windows\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\SoftwareSerial/SoftwareSerial.cpp:309: multiple definition of __vector_10'
ProductSw_X.cpp.o:C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp\build3409413193090911518.tmp/ProductSw_X.cpp:1928: first defined here

My code looks like this and works just fine with older versions of SoftwareSerial.

ISR(PCINT1_vect) {
if(misoInt == 0) {
misoInt = 1;

Can someone re-write my ISR to avoid this conflict?
OR ... wouldn't it be better if SoftwareSerial did not assume that one would never want to use PCINT1_vect for any other purpose?

Can anyone explain how I would redefine the PCINT1_vect ISR to eliminate the one defined in softwareSerial?

You don't, basically. SoftwareSerial uses pin change interrupts. If you want to as well, there is a clash. Don't use SoftwareSerial if possible. Or use external interrupts yourself (D2/D3).

Can anyone explain how I would redefine the PCINT1_vect ISR to eliminate the one defined in softwareSerial?

If you are going to eliminate the one in SoftwareSerial, you might as well simply delete the instance of SoftwareSerial, since you will have crippled it anyway. Once you have deleted the instance, you can then remove the include statement, thus eliminating the need to redefine the ISR.