Oversampling the BMP390 Sensor on a Nicla Sense ME

Good day everyone,
I need help with the topic u read in the headline.
I'm trying to write a code, in which i can get pressure data from my Arduino Nicla Sense ME using BLE. The BLE part works fine, but i need a more accurate result for my study.
I tried using the Adafruit_BMP3XX.h library and boschsensortec "bmp3.h" library on github:

But my approaches sending the BMP390 data through a register address with I2C didn't work.
I cant find it with an i2c_scanner also.
On the Bosch-BMP390-Datasheet the is information about its register being 0x77 or 0x76 on page 40.

I know that the BME688 on the Arduino can also record pressure. Maybe its easier to oversample this one?

For more precise data from a sensor, average a number of individual measurements (average 100 readings for one extra decimal point). If the values are integer values, oversampling and averaging is often done by adding (for example) 16 values and dividing the result by 4.

For more accurate data, calibrate the sensor by comparing to measurements from a certified instrument.

You do need to make sure that the readings are independent measurements. If you read some sensors faster than their sample, they return the same measurement more than once.

Thank you for the answer,
the values i get from the BMP390 are float values and i dont have more Sensors to compare the value to.
I know that it is somehow possible to set another oversampling mode, so i would need a code solution in how to do it.
Here are the different modes i could find:

Also the data i get just isnt changing, so it wont do much taking a lot of reading and average them out.
I need to directly increase the accuracy somehow.

Then you can only get more precise values. They won't be any more accurate. Consumer grade sensors have sensor noise, which can be reduced by averaging, and usually have offsets that can be corrected, but only by individual calibration.

Just found out that the BMP390 is connected to the Nicla Sense ME via SPI and not I2C.

Now i just need working code to write my oversampling value to the register via SPI.