OWI Robot arm Remote Help?

ive got a OWI robot arm that i have used in a previous project
i now have the controller used for the arm lying around and i thought of using it in another project
so far i have found the power input pin and found out which switch controls which pin
i have also found out that the end pin on the controller is also a voltage in which controls the reverse
but when i flip the reverse switch the led also lights up which i do not want
is there anyway i can isolate the reverse so it lights up separate LEDs?
Right now im using a bargraph to save space on the breadboard
In this picture the leds are in order as well when i flip flipping switch M1 which lights up led 1 and ect

So are you saying that regardless of which way the switch is, it will light the same LED?

No the switches light up the leds in order, its when i flip the switches the other way it also lights up the led
Example:if i flip the switch on M1(Up) is lights up when i flip the switch the other way(down) the leds also lights up
Am i confusing you here?
in this picture ive got the switch in the reverse position and the led lights up

The picture is blurry, so it is hard to tell what led is on. I can clearly see the first led on in the first picture. So is the UP led and the DOWN led both on, or just the down?

Sorry about the burry photo
On the first picture the first led is on with the controller switch on forwards
on the second picture the first led is on with the controller switch on reverse
What im getting to is that the first and last pins on the controller are both Vcc the first pin controls the power for forwards and the end pin controls the power for the reverse but i don't know how to separate the power so when i put the switch into reverse it lights up a different led because it outputs are the middle wires/leds

Are the other switches the same? You may need to physically trace the connections by taking the controller apart.

There are two versions of the OWI Robot Arm. The old version had black almost clear plastic. The new version has black and yellow plastic. The old version had two sets of batteries controlling the direction of the motors in the arm. The switches inside the controller are SPDT switches, not DPDT switches. The center connection goes to the motor. One end connection goes to one set of batteries. The other end connection goes to other set of batteries.

The one i have is the newer one with black and yellow and does have SPDT switches in not trying to identify what switch it is im trying to isolate each control so when i flip the switch down it lights up a separate led