P10 32x16 Dot Matrix Display Red + Micro SC Card Module Interfacing Problem

Hello Everyone!
I want to ask you about my project. I have a P10 32x16 Dot Matrix Display (DMD) Red and a SD Card Module. As you know, P10 32x16 DMD Red should connect to the Arduino Uno using DMD-connector. But, there some confusing on me, If I want to interface with SD Card Module.

The DMD-Connector using these pins:
(eDIY - Arduino Based DS1307RTC Large LED Digital Clock)

and the SD Card Module using these pins:
CS to pin 14
SCK to pin 13
MOSI connect to the pin 11
MISO to pin 12

Look, pin 13 and pin 11 are use together both DMD-Connector and SD Card Module. How I can fix it? Should I change my Arduino onto another type? May I connected them into serial circuit? Thank you for your information.

There is no need to use a particular connector, wires are fine.

If both devices use the SPI bus, then they must share the SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO as needed). The only requirement in that case is that the device select pins on the two devices (variously called SS, CS or CE) must use different Arduino pins, and the Arduino code has to match.

After looking at the one of the web pages describing the P10 display, it is not clear that it has a device select input. In that case, it cannot share the SPI bus and you will have to use "bit banged" (software SPI) to drive the other device.

Or, use a serial SD card data logger, like the Sparkfun OpenLog, which is simpler anyway.

Good afternoon! I want to know from you have connected you P10 and SD Card Module?
I have a problem too. I can not connect P10 and NRF24.