So I'm trying to display characters but it seems that the esp or the panel is not recognising that it has 16 rows in place of 8, and hence it splits my characters and show then in alternating 2 rows.
the added pictures will help.
That's not a schematic. It's a poor quality, blurry, wiring diagram. It's too blurry to read clearly. A schematic does not contain photographs, use different colours for wires, and in a schematic it is clear exactly what pin is connected to what pin on each component, and each component is clearly labelled with its part number.
The next question is, is that wiring diagram the correct one for your display? The results you are getting suggest it might not be the correct wiring for your display.
There are many variants of these displays with slightly different pinouts and different designs of led driver circuits. Is there a label or markings on your display which show what each pin is for?
The diagram you posted looks wrong to me. The connector shown seems to indicate an red/green panel (not RGB) with 1:16 scan rate. The connector pins bottom right appear to be R, G, D and that D should be connected in order to get every line illuminated (and the code should be appropriate for a 1:16 scan panel, of course).
actually my panel is an all white one and scouring the internet i didn't see any tutorials that had the exact same board as mine, so i used whatever i found, thanks for the reply though.
Hi, Earlier I posted on the forum about my issue related to rows not being addressed properly,
I have filtered it down to the scan rate issue,
My p10 board uses DP4536 controller and according to the data sheet it works on 1/4 scan rate,
but i'm unsure about the dmd2 library and it's examples for esp8266 nodeMCU, about what scan rate they are programmed for.
so is there a library that works with 1/4 scan rate, and also i saw the adafruit moded library but the HUB is different for both so i'm afraid if it will ruin my board.
That doesn't make sense. The image of the connector you posted had A, B, C & D row select lines, which implies 1/16 scan rate. 1/4 scan rate would need only A & B lines.
I asked these questions back in post #5, but you still have not answered them.
Why did you start a new topic? Were you unable to find the previous topic? Perhaps you wanted to get away from me and my awkward questions.
If you don't want to answer my questions, please let me know and I can stop bothering you.
The 1st and 2nd row are not visible as i don't have the led board at hand right now, you'll have to work with this, the 1st is having OE and A
2nd is N and B and 3rd is N and C,
Where about the question why I assumed it's 1/4 scan rate?, it's because of the chip that I searched the data sheet for online in the 2nd image, it was Chinese but i translated a part where 1/4 was stated and it indeed stated that this Dp4356 chip works at 1/4 scan rate, now I'm clueless at this point, if you can help, please point me in the direction, I want to know if the C pin needs to be connected, because this is not an RGB display asfar as I know, also when we tried the light all function earlier it only lit the rows that are working now.
P.s it's hub 12 if that clears anything.
Also about the wiring the wiring, where ever on the internet I search for p10 esp8266 its shows me the exact same wiring i.e not connecting the C or D pin and the video I watched also had the same exact board just the LED color was different.
The wiring depends on the panel, not the MCU/Arduino board. Perhaps you were unable to find a diagram showing an esp8266 with C or D pin connected because no-one has tried this, or maybe there are not enough pins?
Have you found a diagram showing how to connect this design on panel to any type of Arduino, even if that is not an esp8266?
The led panel that I was using earlier turned out to be faulty , all the leds work now, but i have another question, regarding wifi client for 8266, it's not able to fetch data from the api that I wrote for mongo db, the problem is it works normally, but doesn't work with, esp.
Test this in your browser you'll get json formatted data
When i try to reach the same site from esp8266 it gives me connection refused error in the http client, and the wifi client object cannot connect to the server either.
Please post a sketch that illustrates the problem. Note that it should be a complete sketch but not necessarily your complete project sketch especially if that involves third party libraries