P1AM USB Host Shield Library and CP210

I am trying to adapt a USB host shield to an Automation Direct PLC P1AM.

Currently I have a working project with the USB host shield and a Mega2560. I am using the
USB Host Shield Library specifically for the CP210x driver as my device I am communicating with has a siliconlabs chip.

When I attempt to change the selected board to the P1AM and compile it provides me an error "\Arduino\libraries\USB_Host_Shield_Library_2.0/avrpins.h:1014:2: error: #error "Please define board in avrpins.h" #error "Please define board in avrpins.h""

I assume this is due to the library not being compatible with the P1AM. I read that the p1AM is like a MRKzero (SAMD21G18). I could not find a forked library that includes the SAM series and the CP210x.

Any advice to possibly combine the libraries or use a SAMD library and add in the necessary CP210 code?

So it appears that the SAMD21 series does not play well with the MAX3421E chip. Although the MAX chip uses SPI protocol for communication. But the libraries are beyond my expertise level.