Paint for polarity marking


This ESP32 board has red/green/yellow but I also have white/blue/
Been working fine for over 3 years from a $5 investment at the Dollar store.


I use the green terminals then use red or black marker pen, the colour fixes quite well and is after a month or so just about isopropyl proof.

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:
PS. @groundFungus The whiteout solution looks good to, must try it. :+1:

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Yes me too. Most of the time though I just use it to mark the end of a single or double row of DuPont headers and sockets to make sure they get connected the right way round.

I have now tried acrylic paint and nail polish, and nail polish is an clear winner. Acrylic paint do not cover easy and we must apply several layers.

A nail polish does that job with one sweep.

For now, i think nail polish is the way to go.

Works fine :slight_smile:

Clear nail varnish can be used as a DIY conformal coating...

I know :slight_smile:

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