When setting the first module to Command mode, the website says to input "AT" into the serial monitor and it should return "ok". Also when I disconnect the wire to 5v the module remains powered.
Yes, my settings were set to 9600 baud rate.
The first line, how I understand, is a file which is imported into the program from
the laptop, and I think I don't have this particular file.
The first thing you have done wrong is read an Instructable dealing with an HC-05 while holding an HM-10 in your hand. Of course I could be wrong, and you actually have HC-05s but are asking about pairing HM-10s, in which case, and if you really want to pair HC-05, you should ignore reply#1. The default rate for configuring HC-05 is 38400.
I have just realised that maybe you are causing all this confusion because you actually have one of each, in which event I think you are out of luck, as I'm sure HM-10 is not backward compatible with the HC-05.