Hello everyone. I need some help with a project I have in mind. I'm trying to build a 2 axis panoramic head, but I dont know where to start. I've bought a few parts based off of other projects ive found, but alot of them were incomplete. Most didn't have any schematics or sketches available. I'll be using an Arduino Uno, 2 nema 17 stepper motors (w/ control boards).. What I would like to be able to do is use an LCD screen and buttons to input the focal length, and number of vert and horiz. frames, as well as the % of overlap. I only really need about 60* rotation in both axis. I was thinking I would butcher a camera trigger to fire the camera with the arduino.
I did a search for similar projects but couldn't fine one that included the sketches or wiring schematics. Either that or the topics were very old and links were dead. If you know of one that fits my needs, please let me know. Thanks.
I would start by buying or making a pan/tilt head mechanism. Servocity has a reasonable selection.
sorry I should have mentioned that I have that part sorted out already. I'll be building it out of alumium flat stock and cutting it on a cnc at work. My servos are rated for 4.6?kg/cm, which i believe should be enough for my smaller mirrorless camera.
"kg/cm" is a measure of linear density.
Torque is commonly measured in units of kgfcm (kg force times cm) or Ncm (Newtons times cm).
Oh, I was just going by the spec sheet of the motors. "Holding Torque: 45Ncm(63.7oz.in)"
Welcome to the forum.
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
What I would like to be able to do is use an LCD screen and buttons to input the focal length, and number of vert and horiz. frames, as well as the % of overlap.
I assume you want to enter this information as it will be used to set your pan and tilt rates?
Have you written any code yet?
Can you tell us your electronics, programming, Arduino, hardware experience?
Thanks.. Tom.. 
I guess im getting in a little over my head. I have no real programing experience. My electrical knowledge is fairly basic. Only what ive learned in my 1st year electrical class. I haven't started any coding yet because I haven't even got a clue where to start. Maybe I'm asking for too much guidence all at once, I was hoping someone knew of an easily adaptable code that someone had already written.
First learn to control a stepper. Google "arduino stepping motor" for lots of tutorials and examples (but beware of Instructables, as they are mostly crap written by people who don't know what they are doing).
You will need an appropriate motor driver and motor power supply.
Ya I guess I'll break it down into smaller pieces and figure out how to put them all together after.
Breaking things down into pieces is always a great strategy! Once you understand one program part well, adding it to a second, working program part is easy.