Panasonic DFX400n CD-changer emulator to ipod.

I am not the best at assembly or Arduino code,
so my question is how hard would it be to implement in Arduino code so that i could send it to an ipod trough the SimpleRemote library (that part i got covered)?

My main problem is the serial communication whit the stereo both sending and receiving. I have ordered one of those pre made to test whit but im sure it will work. But i was hoping it could be taken a step beyond, perhaps even to bluetooth.

No answer yet, i have read trough the assembly code and the part i would need some help whit (code snippets, examples, wikis) is the serial communication and how to set the messages up according to the page. I'm about to take my bachelors degree in IT so don't be shy to link.

I have never learnt assembly but i understand the basics of it, so thats why im asking for a little help on "deciphering" it.

I know this is a loooonnnng time ago - but I struggled looking for the same info - so hopefully this helps someone else in future!!!

See my post at CD-changer emulator over serial to use whit mp3 players. - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum