Pandora's box?

69 and retired, have I just opened pandora's box? At this point even the "nubies" know more about this than I do.

Have extensive programing knowledge in HTML, Java, Flash, Visual Basic, assembly and a few other languages. Been tinkering with computers and electronics for over 15 years or more.

Looking for some new toys to play with. Any good URL's and/or links would be most appriciated.

Larry Arnold

the question is, what is something that you want to do / fix / improve?

once you have a idea its easy to break down into "noob" friendly projects (most of the time)

I like to start with a good book to develop a basic knowledge about the subject...

And then build a simple project using that knowledge. In my case, it was something very similar to a kitchen timer.

I would suggest looking at some of the goodies that suppliers like SparkFun have and get inspired. This is the era of affordable high-tech silicon sensors like MEMS gyroscopes, accelerometers, pressure sensors, compass chips, GPS, etc, can you think a novel use for some of these sensors? Can you turn this into a working device?

And it doesn't even have to be expensive stuff! I had a LOT of fun with some RGB LEDs, and 3 slide potentiometers :).

I find a lot of inspiration and information on instructables.

Just use their search function to search for Arduino.

There are a lot of projects, many of them with very detailed instructions on how they are build.

I would start closer to home:-

Enough to get you started.