Project Description: The goal of this project is to create a currency exchange system that converts Indian 10 rupee paper notes into 2 Indian 5 rupee coins. The project utilizes various components, including an Arduino Uno, TCS230 color sensor, IR sensor, breadboard, 16x2 alphanumeric LCD display, and connecting wires. The system detects the presence of a 10 rupee note using the color sensor, confirms its insertion with the IR sensor, and displays relevant information on the LCD. Upon verification, a servo motor dispenses two 5 rupee coins from a tube.
Components Used:
Arduino Uno
TCS230 Color Sensor
IR Sensor
16x2 Alphanumeric LCD Display
Connecting Wires
Servo Motor (MG996R or TowerPro MG996R)
Coin Tube
I am a beginner in the Arduino field and would greatly appreciate your help with the "Paper to Coin Currency Exchange System" project. Could you please provide me with the complete Arduino code and clear circuit connections for this project? Having these resources will enable me to understand and execute the project successfully.
Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.
The forum will not and cannot give you any complete project code. Your best plan should be to develop your project step by step. Each step would be to code for and use and understand all about EACH of your components.
then which form should i go to ???????
i know the basic of Arduino connection like IR sensor, led and other compounds. i have problem with connection and code . and i also have to other college stuff to do. so , i am asking help from the community to complete the project.
i just bought the material. and i got the idea of how the project should work but i am not find an reference code or connection related to this project.
project ideal process :-
Connect the components on the breadboard following the provided circuit diagram.
Write the Arduino code to control the project based on the component connections.
Use the TCS230 color sensor to detect the chocolate brown color of the 10 rupee note.
Utilize the IR sensor to detect the insertion of the note into the machine.
Display relevant information on the LCD, indicating the progress of the transaction.
Activate the servo motor, causing its arm to rotate and dispense two 5 rupee coins from the tube.
Ensure that the servo motor arm is positioned beneath the coin pipe for effective dispensing.
Configure the servo motor to rotate the arm twice for each 10 rupee note inserted.
Repeat the process to enable continuous operation when additional 10 rupee notes are inserted.
our assignment is to make prototype project. the college did not teach anything. i had to learn the basic online, but i don't have time to learn the code. i have interest in Arduino but time is limited .
Your other topic on the same subject has been closed.
Cross-posting is against the Arduino forum rules. The reason is that duplicate posts can waste the time of the people trying to help. Someone might spend a lot of time investigating and writing a detailed answer on one topic, without knowing that someone else already did the same in the other topic.
Please create one topic only for your question and choose the forum category carefully. If you have multiple questions about the same project then please ask your questions in the one topic as the answers to one question provide useful context for the others, and also you won’t have to keep explaining your project repeatedly.
Repeated duplicate posting could result in a temporary or permanent ban from the forum.
Could you take a few moments to Learn How To Use The Forum. It will help you get the best out of the forum in the future.
Actually, you have plenty of time, but your priorities suggest that there is no point in starting this project, as you won't gain much, or anything from it.
That's the worst way to build the system. Fault finding gets a terrible lot more difficult.
Take another round and learn how to build a "large" system. Yes, it's large for You and even experienced helpers wouldn't proceed like that.
Project Description: The goal of this project is to create a currency exchange system that converts Indian 10 rupee paper notes into 2 Indian 5 rupee coins. The project utilizes various components, including an Arduino Uno, TCS230 color sensor, IR sensor, breadboard, 16x2 alphanumeric LCD display, and connecting wires. The system detects the presence of a 10 rupee note using the color sensor, confirms its insertion with the IR sensor, and displays relevant information on the LCD. Upon verification, a servo motor dispenses two 5 rupee coins from a tube.
Components Used:
Arduino Uno
TCS230 Color Sensor
IR Sensor
16x2 Alphanumeric LCD Display
Connecting Wires
Servo Motor (MG996R or TowerPro MG996R)
Coin Tube I am a beginner in the Arduino field and would greatly appreciate your help with the "Paper to Coin Currency Exchange System" project. Could you please provide me with the complete Arduino code and clear circuit connections for this project? Having these resources will enable me to understand and execute the project successfully. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.