Parallax 360 feedback servo control, 92=Stop too

There are a lot of things I don't understand and here is one of them. I have the Parallax 360 servo and getting to know it I saw that sending it a 90 does stop it.

I imagined that 85 would make it go at a certain speed clockwise. And it does.

I imagined that 95 would make it go at a certain speed anti-clockwise. And it does.

But the speeds are different. 85 = fast CW 95 is slow ACW.

I experimented and found that 92 is a good stop value, and +/- some value makes the servo go clockwise and anti-clockwise at about the same speed.

I have two servos and they behave the same.

Is this behaviour normal? Have I missed something? Does each servo need "calibrating"?

Here's my test code:

// Include the library
#include "Servo.h"

// Create the servo object
Servo myservo;

// Setup section to run once
void setup() {
  myservo.attach(10); // attach the servo to our servo object
  myservo.write(90); // stop the motor

// Loop to keep the motor turning!
void loop() {
    const int ikDeltaSpeed = 10 ;
    const int ikZeroSpeed = 92 ;
    const int ikClockwiseSpeed = ikZeroSpeed - ikDeltaSpeed ;
    const int ikAntiClockwiseSpeed = ikZeroSpeed + ikDeltaSpeed ;

    Serial.print ("Start of loop at speed ") ;
    Serial.println (ikClockwiseSpeed) ;
    myservo.write(ikClockwiseSpeed); // rotate the motor counter-clockwise
    delay(5000); // keep rotating for 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds)

    Serial.print ("Stop motor ") ;
    Serial.println (ikZeroSpeed) ;
    myservo.write(ikZeroSpeed); // stop the motor
    delay(5000); // stay stopped

    Serial.print ("End of loop at speed ") ;
    Serial.println (ikAntiClockwiseSpeed) ;
    myservo.write(ikAntiClockwiseSpeed); // rotate the motor clockwise
    delay(5000); // keep rotating 😀

    myservo.write(ikZeroSpeed); // stop the motor
    delay(5000); // stay stopped

seems to be true. even with normal servos

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Argh! So if I changed the servo, even the same model, ikZeroSpeed might not be 92?


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