I'm trying to make a robot car with a Bing sensor. I want the car to go into reverse when it gets within a certain distance from a wall (to avoid collision), let's say about 6 inches (dimensions are arbitrary, I use 2000 for the Bing output). When it goes backward I turn the wheels to change direction, and then when it gets about a foot from the wall or obstacle it starts going forward again. I control the direction of the motor using an integer variable: forward. When forward = 0, the car goes backwards. When forward = 1, it goes forward. Simple. So I defined three "zones" depending on the distance to the wall or any obstacle, distance which is measured by the ping. Let's call it "measure". When measure is > 1 foot: forward = 1 no matter what. When measure < 6 inches, forward = 0 no matter what. For the zone in between, things get sort of hairy programming-wise (I'm not very good!) and depend on the previous value of forward (so the trick is to put the car on the ground a good distance from the wall so it doesn't fall in that middle zone where forward is not absolutely defined): if forward was equal to zero (i.e. the car was going backwards), then it needs to stay 0 so that the car keeps going backwards. If it was 1, then it needs to stay equal to 1.
Code is below. So say the car starts a good distance from a wall and gets closer: forward should be equal to 1, then when measure goes below 2000 forward is equal to 0 and the car start going backwards. When the distance increases again, forward should return to 1 when measure reaches 3000.
Instead what happens is that when the car start going backwards, forward returns to 1 as soon as measure reaches 2000. This doesn't seem correct and it's a problem because then the car gets stuck: reaches 2000 then starts going backwards, but as soon as it starts going backwards and goes over 2000 forward is equal to 1 again and the car resumes going forward...
Can somebody point the mistakes to me? I'm stumped on this one and I'm tired... :~ Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is my very first project with the Arduino. It involves an H bridge and works OK except for that part... Direction of the car is controlled by 2 LDRs. It just turns towards wherever it gets more light (looking for windows... :D).
Robot car
const int enablePin = 4;
const int turnLeftPin = 2;
const int turnRightPin = 3;
const int threshold = 5;
const int enablePinMain = 7;
const int GoBack = 9;
const int GoForward = 8;
const int pingPin = 12;
void setup() {
pinMode(turnLeftPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(turnRightPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePinMain, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GoForward, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GoBack, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Sets both motors to "enable" and start the motor going forward
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(enablePinMain, HIGH);
long measure;
int forward;
int sensorDiff;
// The PING))) is triggered by a HIGH pulse of 2 or more microseconds.
// Give a short LOW pulse beforehand to ensure a clean HIGH pulse:
pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
// The same pin is used to read the signal from the PING))): a HIGH
// pulse whose duration is the time (in microseconds) from the sending
// of the ping to the reception of its echo off of an object.
pinMode(pingPin, INPUT);
measure = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH);
if (measure >= 3000) {
forward = 1;}
if (measure <= 2000) {
forward = 0;}
if (measure < 3000 and measure > 2000) {
if (forward == 1) {
forward = 1;}
else {
forward = 0;}
Serial.print(" = PING output - ");
Serial.print(" = Direction ");
if ( forward == 0) {
digitalWrite(GoForward, LOW);
digitalWrite(GoBack, HIGH);
digitalWrite(turnLeftPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(turnRightPin, LOW);}
// Motors and LDRs section
int sensorValue0 = analogRead(A0);
int sensorValue1 = analogRead(A1);
sensorDiff = sensorValue0 - sensorValue1;
if (sensorDiff > threshold and forward == 1) {
digitalWrite(GoForward, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GoBack, LOW);
digitalWrite(turnLeftPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(turnRightPin, LOW);}
else if (sensorDiff < -threshold and forward == 1) {
digitalWrite(GoForward, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GoBack, LOW);
digitalWrite(turnLeftPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(turnRightPin, HIGH);}
else if (abs(sensorDiff) <= threshold and forward == 1) {
digitalWrite(GoForward, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GoBack, LOW);
digitalWrite(turnLeftPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(turnRightPin, LOW);}