Parola library and Bluetooth

I noticed that the Parola library has an example for Bluetooth control.

I am using a Pro Mini to control the 8x8 LEDs.

Instead of adding a HC-05 module for Bluetooth, can I use the ?

You can but you will need to change the software to suit any BLE requirements. BLE and Bluetooth are very different and not interchangeable from a coding point of view. I have not used the nano with BLE so I can't comment specifically, but information in these blog posts may give you come clues:
BT: Reliable Bluetooth Comms Between Arduino and MIT App Inventor (AI2) – Arduino++
BLE: Reliable Bluetooth LE Comms Between Arduino and MIT App Inventor (AI2) – Arduino++

Do you know of an module that has an integrated Bluetooth - does not have to be BLE?


No I have not come across any nor does an internet search pop any up. All the integrated boards seem to use BLE.

I generally go for 'low cost' options and get the separate BT module for a standard Arduino board (Pro Mini is my choice for most embedded projects).

Thanks. It's just that my eyesight isn't that great anymore. The less soldering I have to do the better. :frowning: