Parsing CSV Data Stored on an SD Card

My data has 34 columns and 1000 plus rows. I read Serial Basics and also SD Card Library for the sketch.
The problem I have is that the code flow is not doing what I need it to do, which is parsing the CSV data.

// include the SD library:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>

const byte numChars = 400;
char receivedChars[numChars];
char tempChars[numChars];

boolean newData = false;

int Nose = 0;
int LEye = 0;

File myFile;

void setup() {

  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

  Serial.print("Initializing SD card...");

  if (!SD.begin(4)) {
    Serial.println("initialization failed!");
    while (1);
  Serial.println("initialization done.");
myFile ="ds2.CSV");


void loop() {
 while (myFile.available()) {

  if (newData == true)
    strcpy(tempChars, receivedChars);
      newData = false; 

void recvWithStartEndMarkers() {
  static boolean recvInProgress = false;
  static byte ndx = 0;
  char startMarker = '>';
  char endMarker = '<';
  char rc;
  while (Serial.available() > 0 && newData == false) { // <<== NEW - get all bytes from buffer
    rc =;
    if (recvInProgress == true) {
      if (rc != endMarker) {
        receivedChars[ndx] = rc;
        if (ndx >= numChars) {
          ndx = numChars - 1;
      else {
        receivedChars[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string
        recvInProgress = false;
        ndx = 0;
        newData = true;

    else if (rc == startMarker) {
      recvInProgress = true;

void parseData() {

    // split the data into its parts
  char * strtokIndx; // this is used by strtok() as an index
  strtokIndx = strtok(tempChars,"*");      // get the first part - the string
  Nose = atoi(strtokIndx);
  strtokIndx = strtok(NULL, "*"); // this continues where the previous call left off  
  LEye = atoi(strtokIndx);     // convert this part to an integer


void showParsedData() {
    Serial.print(" _ ");

My data looks like:


Any help will be highly appreciate it.


This will get you a bit closer.

const char data[] = "14*120*78*126*8*125*35*126*50*139*126*149*73*155*168*153*170*150*247*156*249";

void setup() 
  char* token;
  token = strtok (data,"*");
  while (token != NULL)
    token = strtok (NULL, "*");

void loop() 
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


You're reading from Serial instead of myFile

Can you please point me in the right direction. Thanks

You're reading from Serial instead of myFile

I don't know why you said I don't any end markers. I do have them

because as I said you don't have end markers so using a function that is called receiveWithStartEndMarkers .

. Each row starts with > and ends with < as you can see below


You're reading from Serial instead of myFile

I thought I had to tell the serial port that data is coming from a CSV file and the serial port had the job of receiving every single data row and convert it to a variable type. What specific lines are causing the problem? I think this is the part where I am confused.


I don't know why you said I don't any end markers. I do have them . Each row starts with > and ends with < as you can see below

Drop those begin end tags, and read my post # 2. That is one of several ways this can be done. Did you run my sample I provided?

To expand on my example....

** I forgot to add.
If you can not drop the silly begin end tags, simply change this line.
token = strtok (NULL, "");
token = strtok (NULL, "

const char data[] = "14*120*78*126*-8*125*35*126*50*139*126*149*73*155*168*153*170*150*247*156*249";

void setup()
  char* token;
  int intArray[21];
  int count = 0;

  Serial.println("Parse To Array");
  token = strtok (data, "*");
  while (token != NULL)
    intArray[count++] = atoi(token);
    token = strtok (NULL, "*");


  Serial.println("Print array");
  for (int counter = 0; counter < 21; counter++)


void loop()
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Did you run my sample I provided?

No I haven't. My data has a pretty size. Is not just a single line. It might have over 1000 rows.
I have been looking at your code to get ideas.

No I haven't. My data has a pretty size. Is not just a single line. It might have over 1000 rows.
I have been looking at your code to get ideas.

If you have control over how the data is stored, you should store it with a CR "\n" for each row. This will allow your code to scale better, what happens when you can not read the complete data-set in memory? Reading a line at a time can prevent that.

However, the example I provided can still work, it just requires more work.

Think about this...

You know how many elements are in each row, I believe you said 31. Now imagine,
the while loop I provided, after 31 times, you have collected a row. Process it, go get next row, until you have processed all the data. You now have enough clues to achieve this goal.

, i believe you said 31. Now imagine,
the while loop I provided, after 31 times, you have collected a row. Process it, go get next row, until you have processed all the data. You now have enough clues as to how to achieve this goal.

I was thinking something very similar/identical . Thanks for your encouragement. This is the first time I work with SD Card. So I don't know how to treat the data. I deal with video pixels and rgb stuff. Lots of data to take care of.

I will trying.

Why are you using csv in the first place? It's a waste when your processing power and memory are limited. Not to mention it'll needlessly complicate your code. Why don't you just encode your data in a binary format instead when you store it on SD?

Drop those begin end tags, and read my post # 2. That is one of several ways this can be done. Did you run my sample I provided?

To expand on my example....

** I forgot to add.
If you can not drop the silly begin end tags, simply change this line.
token = strtok (NULL, "");
token = strtok (NULL, "

const char data[] = "14*120*78*126*-8*125*35*126*50*139*126*149*73*155*168*153*170*150*247*156*249";

void setup()
 char* token;
 int intArray[21];
 int count = 0;

 Serial.println("Parse To Array");
 token = strtok (data, "");
 while (token != NULL)
   intArray[count++] = atoi(token);
   token = strtok (NULL, "


Serial.println("Print array");
 for (int counter = 0; counter < 21; counter++)


void loop()
 // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


He'd also have to change the initial call to strtok or the first int will be incorrectly parsed as 0 because of the leading "<".

If OP is forced to keep his format the same, I'd amend the code and just make it a single call

#define COLUMNS 31
#define DELIMS "<>*"

char data[] = ">131*28*140*24*128*24*131*53*118*49*132*66*129*14*120*78*126*8*125*35*126*50*139*126*149*73*155*168*153*170*150<";

void setup(){
  unsigned char row[COLUMNS];
  unsigned n;

  Serial.println("Parse To Array");
  for(n = 0; n < COLUMNS; n++){
    if(char* token = strtok(n ? NULL : data, DELIMS)){
      row[n] = (unsigned char)atoi(token);
      Serial.print("error: no data at index "); Serial.println(n);

  Serial.println("Print array");
  for(unsigned m = 0; m < n; m++)

void loop(){
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

A lot cleaner imo.

OP, I assumed you are parsing 8-bit color values since you mention rgb. Just wrap this in a function and pass it the data you read from SD