Hello i was wondering if part harvesting is compatible with these boards or if parts must be specificly bought for arduino. For better comprehension i was thinking of using parts from this
The question makes no sense from an electronics standpoint. There is no basis for asking the question. If you understood any thing about electronics you wouldn’t be asking the question.
If you want an answer that makes sense , you have to start by asking acquestion that makes sense.
(ie: take the device apart and pick a spesufic component, photograph it and post the photo.)
Unless your budget is miniscule, harvesting parts is more trouble than it’s worth when you cobsider eBay prices. If it is a training exercise then it would make sense because once you gainnthe experience & knowledge you seek you can throw away the parts used to obtain it as they have served their purpose. When I started teaching myself electronics 40 years ago , I built so many circuits that I had to dispose of most of them for lack of storage space. I used 100 op amps in about 10 years, but since I got $4 oo amps (1980 dollars) for $0.25/each, it didn’t cost much.
To put this into the proper perspective, tgere is no such thing as ‘arduino parts’. An Arduino is simply an ATMega328 with a communications processor
on a PCB with a bunch of connectors and leds.
You can breadboard one with an ATMega328 with Optoboot Bootliader and an FTDI circuit.
Other than the Atmel chip, there’s nothing ‘Arduino’ about anything else in the circuit.
Does it use ‘Arduino Volts’ or ‘regular’ volts ?
Does that question make sense ?
One thing that can be said is that the device in the photo has a composite video connectior and an Arduino is too slow for most video applications.
Not really worth it. I'm guessing you are pretty new to this, so I would wager breadboard friendly components are going to be your best friend. Salvaging parts from old electronics will mean leads being clipped to short to engage the breadboard, electrolytic capacitors that can be dried up, and ic chips that do things you have no idea what it is.
Most of the parts a beginner would use are actually pretty cheap. Learn what you need and visit a electronics supplier like Digikey to buy them.
I used to harvest parts, but the first step I used before harvesting, Was knowing what they were used for. Knowing the part numbers was essential. Knowing if the parts specifications made it usable for what I was doing told me if it was worth the effort or not. And I only harvested certain types of components. Transistors, Socketed integrated circuits and transformers. Maybe a rectifier or special capacitor or resistor, But only if there was something really special about them. That was in the 70s and 80s. But many of these components were not readily available. Nowadays with the Internet, everything is available. It would cost you more to harvest some of these components than it would to just buy them out right. Only harvest special components that are very expensive or hard to get. And only if you know what the component is, And have the Datasheet.
As others have stated, the question is not so clear.
However I will hazard a guess. My guess is you want to perhaps use the switches of whatever from the controller you included a photo of to interface with your arduino.
The answer is of course you can. However as was mentioned, you must know what the part you are trying to use does. A switch or potentiometer is simple to understand. Other parts may not be.
You should also understand many of the folks here who answer these questions have boxes of unused parts so for them it might not be worth the effort. For someone starting out seeing and touching an assembly of any sort is a learning experience.
BTW from the photo I have no clue what the item is. I see what looks like a joystick but that's all I can tell.
Looks like this:
I used to harvest parts
I've harvested a lot of parts in my day, but lately I've been thinking that is isn't worth it, with the possible exception of large components like power supplies. Better to work an extra job or skip a meal out, and buy new parts from one of the man low-cost dealers.
As mentioned, parts are parts. Like a garden variety 1/4" x 20 nut is generic, so a garden variety 1K resistor is generic.
If you're starting out, reclaiming parts from equipment would give you some experience desoldering and learning how much heat is too much. If you destroy something it's no big loss. You can reverse the process and solder the recovered devices to a header, while refining your soldering technique a little more, which can then be inserted into a breadboard to give you instant, reusable switches for prototyping your projects.
Hello i was wondering if part harvesting is compatible with these boards or if parts must be specificly bought for arduino.
Everything works with arduino, you just need to figure out how. There will probably be almost nothing in that joystick of use to you, but it's always fun, and good practice, to rip it to bits and find the datasheets for the ICs.
Find a chip, read the model code on the top of it, and google " datasheet" e.g. "4n35 datasheet"
I have a stash of "dumpster dived" circuits and occasionally they come in handy for large capacitors, mosfets, & ferrite cores, but generally it's just enjoyable and educational to get in there with a soldering iron and spend some time on google to figure out exactly what you just harvested, and how you might use it. if you do it enough, you'll know what to leave alone, and what might be useful.
Harvesting parts is IMO only reasonable in a few cases...
As education, during the course of reverse engineering a board (which is an excellent way to improve your understanding of electronic design imo), without intent to use the parts
On a few types of high-value parts that are unlikely to be damaged by handling - this is often the case with coils.
Exotic/novelty parts that are difficult to obtain - fancy button/switch/control.
When doing so is the only way to get the parts in time to meet some deadline.
Otherwise, if you can buy the parts new at a sane price, I can't justify using pulls - you don't know the condition of the part, particularly after your recovery efforts, and most parts are so cheap that even a low chance of you having to waste a couple of precious hours debugging a bad part makes it hard to justify saving a few cents reusing old parts.
Ok thank you all. What i have pulled from this is harvesting is possible but more trouble then its usually worth in most cases. As guessed i am 100% new to engineering devices (just had a sudden interest in it). As far as coding im self taught in c#. raschemmel was right about what it was. As far as everyone saying the post is unclear i know just couldnt think of a better way to say what i was inquiring about
Thank you all
Of course you can still go ahead and pull that baby down to a bare pcb, but you might not be able to make anything at all from the parts recovered. Another issue you might run into is lead-free solder. It makes recovery a real pain, especially on through hole parts.
If you do decide to do it, just be cautious about heating up electrolytic capacitors. They tend to pop and stink the place up, and I've had a few actually leave the pcb at a high rate of speed. Had it hit me in the eye, I'm sure it could have done a lot of damage.