Parts needed for attitude indicator

Complete novice, with some experience with Java, Python, and C/C++ !!!

I am trying to work on a personal project to virtualize the movement of an object in the air on 3D axes. It's something like an attitude indicator and also can show if the object flips backward or forward. Altimitalte the goal is to be able to virtualize the motion of the object in the air and record the movement for an entire duration.

For hardware, I gathered I need an Arduino board and IMU sensor. for software "MPU9250" or "i2cdevlib" which can simplify the process of reading data from the sensor and implementing the sensor fusion algorithm.

So my questions are:

  1. What are other hardware components needed for such a project?
  2. For software what other components do I need to consider?
  3. Any suggestion on some resources to get up to speed with Arduino project?

As a simple 1D forward/backward attitude indicator, you could use a stepper motor gauge.

Any suggestion on some resources to get up to speed with Arduino project?

The Arduino IDE comes with a bunch of example programs that illustrate many of the special features of the Arduino, described in the Arduino Reference.

There are countless tutorials posted on line describing Arduino projects. To learn how to do "something" with arduino, the search phrase "arduino something" will usually find posts.

I am showing one results for an Internet search:
Visualising 3D Motion of IMU sensor -

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This is exactly what I was looking for thanks a lot.

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