pass a value to web sever with php using wifly

i want to pass a value to my web server(apache) using php.
php code is below.


echo "in\n";


$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root", "QbdQbd365", "sensorvalue");

 echo "Failed to connet to mySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

$distant = $_GET["distant"];

$sql = "insert into sensorvalue.stringvalues(distant) values($distant)";
mysqli_query($con, $sql);


echo "out\n";


it pass value to db to save it.
it work well when i type 'localhost/insert_data.php/?distant=11' in my web browser.
so i thought it can pass using arduino code.

i'm using rn-171 wifi modules made by seeed studio
and i reference documents and example from Wifi Shield V2.0 | Seeed Studio Wiki
so i wrote..

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "WiFly.h"

#define SSID      "yum2"
#define KEY       "yum000000"

SoftwareSerial wiflyUart(2, 3); // create a WiFi shield serial object
WiFly wifly(&wiflyUart); // pass the wifi siheld serial object to the WiFly class

void setup() {
  wiflyUart.begin(9600); // start wifi shield uart port
  Serial.begin(9600); // start the arduino serial port
  Serial.println("--------- WIFLY --------");

   // wait for initilization of wifly

  wifly.reset(); // reset the shield

  wifly.sendCommand("set ip proto 18\r"); //enable html client

  wifly.sendCommand("set dns name localhost\r"); // is my computer ip

  wifly.sendCommand("set ip address 0\r"); 

  wifly.sendCommand("set ip remote 80\r"); 

  wifly.sendCommand("set com remote 0\r");

  wifly.sendCommand("open\r"); // open connection
  Serial.println("Join " SSID );
  if (wifly.join(SSID, KEY, AUTH)) {
  } else {


void loop() {
  String str = "GET /insert_data.php/?distant=";
  str += 15;
  while (wifly.available()){
      wiflyUart.println(str + "\r");

there is no any error but it doesn't work.
where should i handle it??
and arduino and web server are connected a same computer.

the output from serial monitor is below.
--------- WIFLY ---------
Join yum2
GET /insert_data.php/?distant=15
GET /insert_data.php/?distant=15

  wifly.sendCommand("set dns name localhost\r"); // is my computer ip

What does that comment have to do with the code? Clearly, you haven't a clue what the name "localhost" means. You need to get one.

You are NOT trying to connect to the web server on localhost. The server is NOT running on the same machine as the client.