void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int myarray[10]={0};
void bar(int myArray[static 10]){
why IDE is giving error ?
expected primary-expression before 'static'
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int myarray[10]={0};
void bar(int myArray[static 10]){
why IDE is giving error ?
expected primary-expression before 'static'
you cannot use static in that context, just declare the array, e.g.
void bar(int myArray[10]){
// ... or
void bar2(int myArray[]){
what are you attempting to do?
Why i cant use?
In codeblocks and codelight same code is compiling without any warnings and errors in arduino its giving that error.
Why i cant use?
because you get the compile error:
expected primary-expression before 'static'
:-)) i see that but question is why its working in other compilers but not in arduino ide?
Why i cant use? .
Because you don't get to make up your own syntax. I'm not aware of any place that syntax is valid.
:-)) i see that but question is why its working in other compilers but not in arduino ide?
C++ compilers? I doubt it....
In C99 its a valid syntax
In C99 its a valid syntax
so you are trying to pass the array to a function? what's the issue?
Just tried in avr studio 7 compiled without any errors
It's probably the IDE's auto-prototyping that's not coping well.
Try putting the function closer to the top of your incomplete sketch
I wrote prototype - no effect. Same error
Just tried in avr studio 7 compiled without any errors
OK, thanks for the update.
since reply #1, static still cannot be used like that in C++
So arduino ide is using c++ compiler?
So arduino ide is using c++ compiler?
Am always using arduino ide and thought its c compiler. Thanks for info.
Think have to compile in both arduino ide and avr studio (with static) then compare the code see if avr is giving more efficient code.
void setup() {
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int myarray[10] = {0};
bar(myarray, sizeof(myarray)/sizeof(myarray[0]));
void bar(int myArray[10], size_t size) {
Even though in @horace given link author didnt define size as second argument but in c books examples are with areay size defined an given as second argument to function and comparison states that code with using static is efficient after compilation with c compiler that supports static keyword.
For additional info
#if defined(__STDC__)
Serial.println("everything ok");
#if(__STDC_VERSION__== 201103L)
Serial.println("version >");
Serial.println("version <");
Serial.println("no ok");
ISO/IEC 14882:2011
C++ 11 compiler