Passing E-number value instead of name

Using arduino r4

Trying to set the RTC

Every param except the month can be passed as an integer - accept the month which is passed as an enum

Eg rtctime(dd,Month::august,yyyy……

I have the month as an integer value 0-11 and would like to pass this instead.

I am more a C# programmer and don’t do much with enums.

Can anyone advise a working syntax.


Please post a sketch that illustrates your problem, using code tags when you do

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The month enum number will likely resolve to an int in the range 0-11 anyway. Just try using it. You may find that you have an off by one error to fix or perhaps you'll be lucky. Cast it if you have to.

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Which RTC? Which Board? Which RTC Library?


Arduino uno r4
Onboard rtc

Small sketch below;

As mentioned above this is for an arduino UNO R4

The 'try a cast suggestion was the clincher - this compiles - however I will have to wait until I get home (where the H/W is) to do a full test.

Will advise.


// Include the RTC library
#include "RTC.h"

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void setup() {
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:

int dd=21;
int mm=3;
int yyyy=2023;
int hh=17;
int MM=12;
int ss=04;

//  21-March-2023 17:12:04
 RTCTime timeToSet(dd, Month::JUNE, yyyy, hh, MM, ss, DayOfWeek::WEDNESDAY, SaveLight::SAVING_TIME_ACTIVE);   // This works (Compiles)

RTCTime timeToSet2(dd, (Month)mm-1, yyyy, hh, MM, ss, DayOfWeek::WEDNESDAY, SaveLight::SAVING_TIME_ACTIVE); // This compiles 

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void loop() {


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