Passing parameters to function to update RTC.

Good Day All,

Please assist I have explored with the following:

Arduino Uno,
16x2 LCD
DS1302 RTC

the library of the RTC you can call a function "myRTC.setDS1302Time(00,16,22,2,31,3,2020)"

My aim is to update the time with this function from a string received from the serial monitor and eventually from the comport of a PC, I am reading the data into a string "00,16,22,2,31,3,2020"and my thought was to call the the function "Funtion(withstring)".

Doing this I receive an error from the compiler "no matching function for call to 'virtuabotixRTC::setDS1302Time(String&)'"

Please could any one advise on a way of achieving this?

Thank you

 * Pinouts of connected Equipment
 * RTC   -   Uno
 * VCC   -   3.3VDC
 * GND   -   GND
 * MOSI  -   7
 * SCK   -   6
 * CS    -   8
 * LCD1602 - Uno
 * VCC     - 5VDC
 * GND     - GND
 * SDA     - A4
 * SCL     - A5

#include <virtuabotixRTC.h>                                                                              
#include  <Wire.h>
#include  <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <TimerOne.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);                                                                                                      

virtuabotixRTC myRTC(6,7,8);
 String A = "Sun";
 String B = "Mon";
 String C = "Tue";
 String D = "Wed";
 String E = "Thu";
 String F = "Fri";
 String G = "Sat";
 String dow = "";
byte readTime = 0;
byte tensec = 0;
String rxData;
String timeUpdate = "";

void setup()  {
lcd.init();                      // initialize the lcd 
lcd.setCursor(0,0); //Defining positon to write from first row,first column .
lcd.print("* Arduino Uno *"); //You can write 16 Characters per line 
lcd.setCursor(0,1); //Defining positon to write from first row,first column .
lcd.print("DS1302 RTC Clock"); //You can write 16 Characters per line .
// Set the current date, and time in the following format:
// seconds, minutes, hours, day of the week, day of the month, month, year

void loop()  {                                                                                           
// This allows for the update of variables for time or accessing the individual elements.
 if (readTime == 1) {
  readTime = 0;
while(Serial.available()) {

rxData= Serial.readString();// read the incoming data as string
timeUpdate = rxData;
Serial.println("rxData "+rxData);
Serial.println("timeUpdate "+timeUpdate);
}//Closing Main Loop


void printTimetoLCD(){
// Build String to send to LCD
char dayBuffer [10] = "";
char timeBuffer [10] = "";
  sprintf(dayBuffer, "%02d/%02d/%04d", myRTC.dayofmonth, myRTC.month, myRTC.year);
  sprintf(timeBuffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", myRTC.hours, myRTC.minutes, myRTC.seconds);
  //Start Sending Data to the LCD for a refresh
  lcd.print(" ");

void ISRtimerLCD(){
  readTime = 1;

void updateDOW(){
  if (myRTC.dayofweek == 0) {
      dow = A;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 1) {
      dow = B;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 2) {
      dow = C;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 3) {
      dow = D;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 4) {
      dow = E;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 5) {
      dow = F;
    else if (myRTC.dayofweek == 6) {
      dow = G;


You can use strtok or sscanf, to split the string into variables that you can then pass to the function.

Examples here : OC0fl8 - Online C++ Compiler & Debugging Tool -

Thank you so much let me see if I can make use o that will let you know.