Passing pointer to char array into function

Struggling with pointers a bit...
Trying to create a menu within one of my projects, first step is a menu function that has a set of choices that you toggle between, then after selecting it will return the option selected.

It all works fine when I use the typed reference to the list I want: &(menu_mainTable[currRecord]))
This list has to come from the input to the function, which is where I'm struggling...
It needs to point to the values in the input to the function.

I'm sure its an easy answer, but some explanation would be appreciated!

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
prog_char menu_1[] PROGMEM = "option1";   
prog_char menu_2[] PROGMEM = "option2";
prog_char menu_3[] PROGMEM = "option3";

char buffer[8];

PROGMEM const char *menu_mainTable[] = 	   
byte menu(const char* inputs) {
  byte currRecord = 0;
  byte maxValue = 2;  //set as function input later
  while(true) { //not selected
    strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word([b][u]&(menu_mainTable[currRecord]))[/u][/b]);
    Serial.println( buffer ); //display currently viewed option
    while(readButton1() == false) { //wait for change request
      if (checkKeyPad()== 0x0A) {  //select button via keypad
      else if(false) { //back button, for future use, no avail hardware atm
    while(readButton1() == true) { //debounce ---- clean up later
    delay(50); //debounce ---- clean up later
    if (currRecord > maxValue) currRecord = 0;
    else if (currRecord < 0) currRecord = maxValue;

void menuMain() {
     byte x  = menu(*menu_mainTable);
     Serial.println(x);  //display ouput
     byte x  = menu(*menu_mainTable);

menu_mainTable IS a pointer.

*menu_mainTable is a pointer to a pointer, which is not what the function expects. Why did you include the *?

The function expects a pointer to char. menu_mainTable is NOT a pointer to char or a char array.

The function argument type and the value used in the call MUST match.

    strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word([b][u]&(menu_mainTable[currRecord]))[/u][/b]);

Don't try to use formatting in code. It doesn't work.

thanks for the help, got it


     byte x  = menu(*menu_mainTable);

menu_mainTable IS a pointer.
*menu_mainTable is a pointer to a pointer, which is not what the function expects. Why did you include the *?
The function expects a pointer to char. menu_mainTable is NOT a pointer to char or a char array.

Oops, your thinking of a declaration. 'menu_mainTable' returns a pointer to the first element which is a char*, so the pointer returned is char**.
The * used in the function call is a dreference, not an 'address of' operator. The dereference moves the pointer returned from the array to a char*, which the function accepts.

However even though the code is valid, you are only passing the first element. You need to pass the whole array, or to stick with pointers, the pointer returned by the array.

Hint: Arrays aren't pointers, they implicitly cast / decay to pointers of their first element. Here is a changed version of your code ( missing stuff stripped )

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
prog_char menu_1[] PROGMEM = "option1";   
prog_char menu_2[] PROGMEM = "option2";
prog_char menu_3[] PROGMEM = "option3";

char buffer[8];

PROGMEM const char *menu_mainTable[] = 	   
byte menu(const char** inputs) {
  byte currRecord = 0;
  byte maxValue = 2;  //set as function input later
  while(true) { //not selected
    strcpy_P(buffer, (char*) pgm_read_word(&(inputs[currRecord])));
    Serial.println( buffer ); //display currently viewed option

    if (currRecord > maxValue) currRecord = 0;
    else if (currRecord < 0) currRecord = maxValue;
  return 0;

void menuMain() {
     byte x  = menu( menu_mainTable );
     Serial.println(x);  //display ouput

void setup(){}
void loop(){}