ArduinoISP of the IDE 1.0 doesn't work. ArduinoISP that's in the IDE 1.0.1 only works at 9600.
So...I have a patched version of the ArduinoISP that works both with IDE 002/0023, IDE 1.0 and the last 1.0.1RC1.
This sketch can also adapt the serial speed to the serial speed used in the IDE: 19200 bps for 002x and 1.0.1RC1 and 9600 for 1.0.
I have made this ArduinoISP using the 1.0.1RC1 version of the sketch and applying the bugfix for the serial speed as in the issue #860. The user BrainBooster also added some fixes to the setup of the serial speed and to the variable declarations in the struct "param".
This version also compiles with the Avr toolchain from Atmel.