Pause and resume main program

Hi everyone
Im working on a sketch that involves a few steppers
I have been tinkering with interrupts and have been scouring the internet to find info on how to have a push button to temporarily pause the loop and flash an led and another button to restart where the loop left off and would remember what steps have been taken to end in the same place
Any help at all is appreciated

Please give a more exact explanation of what you are trying to do.

Interrupts are hardly every used with slow switches.

Basically i am programming a machine that will place cells but if the tray is running low i will need to push a button to halt the movement to refil and it would remember where it is (if the stepper is set to move 6000 steps and button was pushed at 4200 when the resume button is pushed it would travel the remaining 1800 steps and continue the loop) or even if it could finish the 6000 steps and then pause

You can accomplished this by poling your switches while the motor is moving.

When a stop switch closure is detected, you stop the code that is moving the motor.

When you detect the start switch closure, you start the code controlling the the motor.