pause while operating

hi all.

I'm doing a little project where i ran into some trouble.

i'm basicaly building a UTP tester that shows the output (test results) on both ends of the cable.

the code idea is as follows :

unit a unit b

sync sync

puls wire one record status wire one

puls wire two record status wire two

etc to 8 etc to 8

sync sync

record status wire 1 puls wire 1

etc to 8 etc to 8

sync sync

display result display result

check for sync loss check for sync loss

My problem lies with the factt that i need the unit (either) to wait for a result on a wire (from other unit) for a limited time (say, 100ms).
Is arduino even capable of waiting for x time, while still able to prrocess digittal inputs?

Hi and welcome to this forum,

Sure, when you power your arduino, two timefunctions, millis() and micros() start counting.
You can use those to set a delay, while being able to do other stuff as waiting.

Check the blink without delay example.

Or even better read the first post in this section.
