Pc camera

I have a regular pc camera and I want to program it that way when the arduino will for example with an lm35 the temprature will go above 50 so the camera will take a pic .(its a regular pc camera so I dont know how to write an arduino program that will communicate with the camera...help:/ )

I assume the camera has only a USB interface to an ordinary PC, since that's what it is set to work with. Might be quite a hack job to figure that out. There are lots of security cameras around, though, which are designed to be triggered by a remote command, some with a wired interface, some with bluetooth or wireless. They might cost more though, than a PC camera.

Good Luck.

You would need to write a program on the computer to communicate with the Arduino and also trigger the camera when it gets a 50 degree reading from the Arduino.

See Arduino Playground - InterfacingWithSoftware