I'm looking for information on alternatives to the generic PCA 9685 modules that are cheaply available for about $2.50 each. I'm looking for an option that allows easy changing of the board's address, preferably with pins on .1" (2.54mm) spacing with through holes for the address pins. The cheap modules do everything else I need but only have .05" spaced solder pads to hard set the address which are impractical to use to connect to a dip switch or pins of any kind.
I'm planning on building a PCB for each I2C to PWM module with a FET for each channel and need 32 boards in total with adjustable addresses.
As I'm hand soldering each board small pitch SMD are a pain and more so in large quantities so just using the bare chip is also impractical, never mind that they appear to cost more than the complete modules.
If there are any other options for PWM expanders out there that use I2C or SPI I'm open to those as well but I need something with a DIP package or module with .1" spacing on the pins and, of course, access to addressing pins. I need a total of 512 PWM channels with individual boards with 16 or 32 channels. Finally, cost is a factor, having to stay at least reasonably competitive with the PCA 9685 modules that offer 16 channels for about $2.50USD. 8bit PWM is enough for what I need since that's what the incoming data is.
Thanks in advance for any help offered.