I basically did this, but I think my pca9685 don't have enought power because when I power them the led light shine pretty low. I tried to mesure the voltege on VCC and it got nothing on it V+ and they got some power but led lights still don't shine enought so i guess they don't have enought power and my servos don't work. Can somebody help me with this problem? I know that in the scheme it says to power it on VCC but either way my project doesnt work.
my power supply is 12V/2A.
Your servo modules will use that 5V/2A regulator really quickly.
I think you probably need to recheck your power.
Breadboard isn’t good for carrying higher currents.
I use network resource of voltage 230V and then i have this conventor which changes 230V to 12V and goes through converter DC/DC on 5V which powers should power the project. I don't use breadbord i conected it on itself through arduino and modules. You know when I power those 5V on pca modul it shows on V+ that have 5v but I need power on VCC so arduiono is also powered.
I think you misunderstood my question - what is the output current rating of the 12 V supplie, and the 2A from the 5 V DC -DC converter is enough to run maybe two servos under load, so you need to look into your power a bit more closely
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I can see that I wrote it down a little hectic. My problem is not with how much power and voltage I need but how should I do my cabeling. My problem ist that V+ and Vcc are 2 diferent circuits and only one has power. Leds on arduino and moduls were shinig as they should only when I power it through the power socket and pc because arduino was given voltage from pc but not from power socket. But my project has to be power only from socket and it doesn't get power on Vcc only on V+ that powers the PCA moduls but not the arduino. Can someone please help me with this or explain me how shoul I do it correctly so it would work? I would really apreciated because it's my final project for school. (I do 7 segment mechanical clock built of servos). Sorry for my bad grammar and mistakes english is not my first language.
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
Hand drawn and photographed is perfectly acceptable.
Please include ALL hardware, power supplies, component names and pin labels.
VCC only powers the PCA9685 chip, and should come from the logic voltage of the processor.
In your case the 5volt pin of the Uno. That VCC pin uses very little current, about 6mA.
Plus whatever you drive through it's sixteen 220ohm protected outputs that are on a servo board.
The convenient way to power the Uno is with USB (laptop or 5volt cellphone charger).
Servo power (the red pin-strips) should come from a separate supply, so it doesn't upset the Uno.
It should be connected to the screw terminal(s). The two V+ pins on the sides of the board could provide a convenient (but useless) link to a next board, but only the screw connector can carry the required current for (a few) servos, not so much the V+ pin.
Your current 3A servo supply is only good for one or two servos.
I already sent scheme here but I did cabeling like he did. (Sending picture).
My components are:
Arduino Uno
2 x PCA9685 16Ch Servo Drivers
DS1302 Clock Module
28 x Micro Servos (classic 9g)
5V 5A Battery Elimination Circuit
12V Power Supply
-everything that I am using is the same like he does.
-on each PCA modul I pluged 14 servos (2 seven segment digits)
So here is the picture how i cable it.
1.I properly chained PCA moduls together as author shown
2.I put SLC pin of PCA modul to A5 pin heather of arduino same with A4 and SDA
3. On clock module I put CLK DAT RST pins to digital pins on arduino (8, 7, -6)
4. GND of clock modul I put on one GND of arduino and GND from PCA modul on the other GND heather of arduino.
5. I chaind VCC of clock module and PCA module together and put them in 5V heather of arduino.
6.Then I just powered the clock
I did the same cabeling, same cables and ordered same components as the author of the project that's why I don't know where the problem is because his obviosly worked. I hope I explained well enought, if not please just ask and I will try answer your question.
So what do you suggest I do? I link the project down bellow and his worked without powering Uno from pc. Do you have any ideas how should I solved this?
Thanks for reply and help.
I wonder why the author used a 12volt supply, and then converted it to 5volt.
It would have been better to just use a 5volt supply.
Did you read the build notes?
"Tony initially used an LM2596 voltage converter to power each of the PWM driver boards but said that they failed after only a few hours of operation."
I see a USB plug in that diagram. Note what I said in post#12.
Sorry for late reply, I am busy these days.
So you are both suggesting to supply 5v directly from converter to Arduino ?
I will try it and reply what happend and if there are still problems.
Because when I first powered the clock and I pluged arduino to notebook to program it, servos started ticking and slowly moving and after maybe minute they moved really fast to certainly not right position and everything stoped, even ticking. That's how i figured there must by something wrong with wiring and power.
As I said I'm gonna update you, but so far thank you so much for your help.
Hi, I'm back
I bought new suplly (only 5V/5A) so I'm not using conventer anymore. I powered the arduino with the suplly, (black plug), and I conected V+ and VCC pins on the end of the PCA bord and I chcecked everything. Everything is having 5V now. I downloaded the program in arduino and now servos are moving, but only about 4 of them every second in Minutes segments and few of them are also moving but not how I want. I noticet few of them like stoped and don't want to move at all I can't move them with my hand only if I stop powering the clock. Does anyone know why?
Do you think the code is maybe the problem? I downloaded authos libaries and one from the internet because he said so. Do you think this would be the problem?