I have the digitalread on all pins working on my esp32, I followed the example but is not working. When I measure the pin to ground it stays low on digitalwrite. (the chip is not fried, I have multiple chip with all the same issue).
This is the expansion board I am using
I have solderd vcc to vdd (for not using the voltage regulator)
Opening port
Port open
�Set pin 0 as 2
writeMode: 1readMode: 0
Write mode: 1
Set pin 1 as 2
writeMode: 11readMode: 0
Write mode: 11
Set pin 2 as 2
writeMode: 111readMode: 0
Write mode: 111
Set pin 3 as 2
writeMode: 1111readMode: 0
Write mode: 1111
Set pin 4 as 2
writeMode: 11111readMode: 0
Write mode: 11111
Set pin 5 as 2
writeMode: 111111readMode: 0
Write mode: 111111
Set pin 6 as 2
writeMode: 1111111readMode: 0
Write mode: 1111111
Set pin 7 as 2
writeMode: 11111111readMode: 0
Write mode: 11111111
Set write mode
usedPin pin 11111111111111111111111100000000
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 1 for pin 0 bin value 1 value 1
--> 1
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 11 for pin 1 bin value 10 value 1
--> 3
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 111 for pin 2 bin value 100 value 1
--> 7
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 1111 for pin 3 bin value 1000 value 1
--> 15
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 11111 for pin 4 bin value 10000 value 1
--> 31
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 111111 for pin 5 bin value 100000 value 1
--> 63
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 1111111 for pin 6 bin value 1000000 value 1
--> 127
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
Begin trasmission
Write data 11111111 for pin 7 bin value 10000000 value 1
--> 255
Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.
The ESP32's Arduino core defines the I2C pins as GPIO_NUM_22, SCL, and GPIO_NUM_21, SDA, why not use those pins? You can program the ESP32's pin matrix to set the I2C pins as GPIO_NUM_17/16, which are natural serial port pins. Here is a link to the ESP32's docs where you can read about how to redefine the ESP32's pin matrix to change the I2C GPIO pins.