PDIP or SOIC alternative to FTDI FT232R?

Has anyone come across an easier to solder USB to UART chip than the FT232R? I'm not really looking forward to soldering these....

Or even if there is an alternate chip intended for a different purpose (bluetooth, uart transceiver, etc) that has USB built-in, that would work too! :slight_smile:


You can use a breakout board, like this one:

Yeah, it's a consideration, but space is a bit of a concern, as well as the connector. I'm planning to use a vertical type-B connector.

I don't think there are any PDIP or SOIC chips with functions similar to the FTDI chip (USB to serial.)
One possibility is to use a micro (like another AVR) with either included or "fake" USB capability.
For example, see http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1248737449
I believe that the fake USB code for AVR will run in some of the 8-pin "tiny" parts, and I think it's freescale that has some 20-pin (DIP, SOIC) parts with HW USB (MC68HC908JB ?) (Hmm. And Microchip, these days. PIC18F14K50)