This is my very first post on this forum, so please be gentle
In the past I'm have been very exposed to PICAXE and Raspberry Pi, so I've decided to try with Arduino
this time to bring some help to my aging Automatic Weather Station at home, my goal is build a remote
sensor to observe Temperature & Humidity, (and optionally Barometric pressure) with the following
ATMega328 (Preloaded with bootloader)
DHT11 (1-wire, Temperature & Humidity sensor)
BMP085 (I2C, Barometric Pressure Sensor)
nRF24L01 (SPI, RF Link module to my Desktop PC)
At this point I have seen some links that prove the feasibility, but all of them are physically wired to
a PC or have attached a SD card reader for storing the data.
My real concern is about the nRF24L01 module, which seems to my eyes more difficult to implement, Only I
need to broadcast a string with the temp/hum & baro values on request. I not sure if this setup can fit
in the limited ATMega memory.
Just a more question: What Arduino free IDE would be the most suitable for this (My laptop is Windoze
I'll be glad to hear about your comments and code & library recommendations that can be used as starting
You should have no serious problem (other than the learning curve) implementing all those devices. There are many programming examples for each, so try each sensor and example individually and understand how it works, before putting everything together.
At this point I've managed to successfully integrate the DHT11 (Temp/Hum Sensor) + DS1307 (RTC) + 24AA256 (I2C EEPROM) around a Arduino Nano (CH341 based).
At this point I'm struggling to store and recover the observed figures from the sensors and RTC into external EEPROM.
After that, I should play with the BMP185 Barometric sensor.
Hi, i would abandon the dht11. They are not very good. Get an sht21. Much more accurate and has i2c bus. You can get them fairly cheaply on eBay.
I agree with you, have heard some not so good notices related to this sensor family, also I have been exposed to the Sensirion sensors in the past, they are used in the Davis Vantage Pro Professional Weather Stations, but I have to be sticked to the (very) few components that are available locally on my country, because it's impossible for us purchase anything on ebay, amazon or any other provider outside our borders.
I'm not sure, but I should have a SHT breakout board collecting dust somewhere...
Post you sketch and we will see if we can spot the problem with the external eeprom. Use code tags!
Thanks for your offer, I will open a new post for that topic.