Perform FFT on an input signal and graph to TFT display

Hi all, I had a few questions about a project I'm attempting to put together. I currently have a TFT display (if it matters: 3.5" TFT 320x480 + Touchscreen Breakout Board w/MicroSD Socket (HXD8357D) | The Pi Hut) wired up to an Arduino Mega 2560, and am now attempting to display some things on it. One part of the project I wanted to attempt was making use of an FFT algorithm to perform real-time spectrum analysis on an analog signal, and then display the frequency spectrum as a graph onto the TFT display.

As far as I can tell, there are a few Arduino libraries with the capability to perform real-time FFT on a signal, but what I'm not sure of is whether it is feasible to then chart that data to a TFT display in real time. So basically, I'm asking whether this will be possible - I have a fairly decent grasp of all the theory behind FFTs, but am fairly new to Arduino/C++, so it would be helpful to also know roughly how difficult a project like this would be as I'm sure .

An extension from all this, is assuming this is feasible, is there a best FFT library to use? I'm unsure if one specific library is better than the others, or if it will be a matter of deciding which one to use based on my needs. Apologies if all these questions are simple, but I can't seem to find a useful answer anywhere else.

The FFT and FHT libraries from OpenMusicLabs work well. Many people have used them to make real time spectrum displays.

Search for "arduino audio spectrum analyzer" for examples.

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