Perimeter Security - what recommendations?

Hey Guys,

I am not "new" to Arduino BUT there are "horses" for courses and though i don't use Arduino everyday i use them occasionally for "fun" and i certainly and not great at the programming side.

SO.. what i want to do!

  1. Problem: I have 100m perimeter boundary fences and have "undesirables" that i need to protect against and be alerted when they approach RATHER the=an when they enter. but there are 2 scenarios. I have bought PIR sensors that link to my alarm system.
    1.a. When i am home I want the PIRs facing outward. In this position I can catch false alarms before triggering the armed response guys. False alarms could be large animals.
    1.b. When i am out I wany the PIRs facing inward as i don't have control on false alarms in that scenario so when the perimeter is breached Armed response would respond.
  2. A solution: Use poles to mount the PIRs (basic) and then add a rotating mount. 3D print rotating mounts using servos to do the rotation and controlled by Arduino(?) and RF RX
    2.a. Triggered with RF TX on keyring
    2.b. Triggered by PIR Base Station

Constraints. Would need to be be battery driven with GOOD life span on batteries. the PIRs have a 3yr life with 3 x AA batteries.

The question is - Which Arduino should i use, Which RX/TX should I use? I will use 5KG servos etc.

EDIT: the TX/RX range would need to be at least 100+ meters. preferably the RXes could act as relays to each other.

BUT any recommendations would be great.


Cheaper /easier to use multiple sensors pointing in different directions rather than rotate individual ones .
Just switch them in /out as you wish .

Making reliable outdoor rotating bits is not easy /cheap

You will need proper outdoor sensors

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Hi, thanks for the response. The sensors are outdoor dual beam. Each sensor is around $150 and has 18m 90 degree range. I have 6 of those.

I would rotate each sensor 90 degrees based on the scenario. The sensors connect to a wireless base station controlled by an APP and separate keypad. the Base has relay outputs that can be programmed, though limited, would be enough to trigger the rotation.

Definitely cheaper using something other than extra sensors, I will be adding another 10 but they would be static.


A Hexapod I built uses LIDAR to scan the area it's to patrol. The orginal scan is stored and subsequent scans compare to the original image and if a change of x% it's a thing.


I have a camera in my back yard that sends its image to a Raspberry Pi were using a tensor analyzer I am able to discern several parameters about my back yard.


I have an inferred camera whose image is processed using a KNN algorithm determines animal size and takes appropriate action depending upon animal size.

The least capable MCU will be a 32 bit. Either an Arduino BLE or an ESP32 can do KNN and even tensor. I tried tensor on a ESP32, it sucks.

A Raspberry Pi or a Beagle Bone Black are good devices for tensor ML analyzing. A Raspberry Pi is easier to use over a Beagle Bone Black.

You'll need to go solar with the use of motors.

Battery I use is a LiPoFe4.

Thanks for that. SO based on the urgency i had to implement the sensors they are limited in functionality form a scan perspective as in they don't record images etc.

Unfortunately the urgency was driven my stolen solar panels and my dogs being poisoned to enable that.

The only requirement i have now is rotating the sensors based on the home/away scenario. could basically go Arduino Nano, RX and servo and servo driver (as necessary/probably not really required but would need to consider separate power feed) per PIR station.

Oi! The camera I use is to safeguard my solar panels.

I'd think you could create a grid of PIR sensors that would allow the tracking of an object. Consider that a false trigger would be a sensor here or there. A sensor here or there should raise the alert level but not cause an alarm. If sensors of that indicates a direction of travel of a thing then that could be a trigger situation.

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Oh yeah that is a good idea that i can eventually integrate on the mount of each PIR station - not part of the current system but separate based on Arduino

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