peripheral synchronization

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I'm working a project that requires two peripherals to execute commands based on what the other peripheral is executing. For example if one peripheral has an LED on the other peripheral's LED is off. A complicating factor is that at least one of the peripherals has to be able to receive data from a smartphone via bluetooth. Example; the smartphone will send the command to peripheral A to turn on the LED, peripheral A will need to turn on it's LED, then turn of peripheral A's LED so that peripheral B can turn on it's LED, turn off peripheral B's LED so that peripheral A can turn back on it's LED and so on. I'm ultimately needing to have dynamic timed intervals of this.

I'm new to this wonderful world of Arduino. I have two nano 33 ble's set up and running and I can communicate via bluetooth and the smartphone. I'm now trying to figure out the best way to ensure synchronization between the two nano 33 bles.

Thanks in advance for any help and or direction. Cheers!

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Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

What are the 'peripherals"?
How does the 33's communicate with the "peripherals"?
What is the OVERALL application?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

Peripherals are BLE objects in the BLE class for Arduino so the nano 33's are the peripherals once instantiated. The overall application is an app that can make two BLE Peripherals blink LEDs on an alternating basis. Does that additional information help?

What are the timing requirements? What is the max, min and typical time difference between transitions of LED1 and LED2, for example?

I'd prefer to be able to set the intervals when the initial call is made from the smartphone. E.g. I could have a text field or slider that varies from 1:n seconds between light flashes. So if I set a slider on the smart phone to 5 seconds; peripheral A would turn on it's LED for 5 seconds, peripheral A would turn off it's LED, then peripheral B would turn on it's LED for 5 seconds, and this would happen in an infinite loop.

Thanks for the quick response and I hope your week is starting well!