phone and Arduino some progress but need help


At the moment I'm trying to get my Sony Ericsson working on the Arduino.
So what have I done:
I got a Serial cable for the phone. I plugged it into my PC and connected through the Terminal. At commands work great. The I cuted the cable to see the wires. Ok there were 6 wires. But 3 where useless.
I got now 3 cable to the serial port and it does still work. I found out that one is the RX cable. (To test that I sent the code to turn off the phone. First with this cable connected and the disconnected this cable. Both time it worked but once I didn't get the OK message from the phone so it should be the RX cable? Should be right or did I miss something?)

Now how do I detected the Ground cable and the TX? ok 3 cables so 50:50 :slight_smile:

But one of the important question:
When I like to connect the phone with those 3 wires to the Arduino do I have to use a Serial to TTL converter? I think so because as I tried to connected my Garmin GPS I had to use this as well? or am I wrong


What's your phone model? I think the easiest (and safer) way is googling it... or, is very possible that the GND is connected to pin 5 on the serial cable... if the 3 wires you get are straight to the phone connector, they are probabilly ttl...

I got a Sony Ericsson. I got the connectors here Sony Ericsson R520, R310, R320, T28, T39, T68, T68i, T610, T630 and others cell phones cable connector pinout and wiring @ ....

ok... just connect them this way:

Phone Arduino
4(rx) <----------- 1(tx)
5(tx) -----------> 0(rx)
10(gnd) <-------> gnd

you don't need level converters, both are ttl-level ports.

just remember that some people has reported some troble using pins 0/1 serial with USB cable attached... sound weird to me because of the 2 1k resistors between the ftdi and atmega... anyway, if it don't work at first try, check this.

nice, so at the moment I can turn off the phone by this code :slight_smile:

void setup() {
void loop(){ }

So what I've done..
I connected know the wires directly to the phone and that was the solution!

I always tried to connect through this phone connector:

But it didn't work. So is this connector maybe a TTL to Serial converter?

Thx a lot for your great help!!!!


Now I got a problem with the SoftSerial. i tired to send codes
to my phone over the SoftSerial but without success.

 Example of SSerial2Mobile libary 

Sends a SMS and an email
The SMS phone number and the email address need to be changed to something valid. 

 created 21 June 2008
 by Gustav von Roth 

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <t630.h>
#include <AFSoftSerial.h>

AFSoftSerial mySerial =  AFSoftSerial(3, 2);

char message[20]="Hallo Test 2";
char number[20]="0123456789";

t630 phone = t630(2,3);

void setup() {
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop(){ }

This code should be ok or not?



I have been working on Arduino-GSM/SMS code for a while, and might be able to help you (though right now I'm running into problems processing a received SMS because of the RAM limits of the Arduino)

Where can we see the code for your t630 class?


How the serial2mobile library coming along? My next project will need to send and receive messages.

Ive looked at the Sony Ericsson phones, the PDU enconding / decoding looks complicated.

What phone would you recommend to use?

Float's Mobile Agent: may help a little.

It is a windows application that controls mobile phones - primarily Sony Ericcson phones.

It is written in Delphi, but uses windows scripting to control the phone. You may get some clues from that about how to control a phone.



Thanks, ill check it out today.