I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to send a Caller ID to a phone connected to an Arduino.
Right now I have a circuit which will detect the ring tone and using a chip i get the caller ID into my Arduino, based on the caller ID it will deactivate a relay to stop the call from being propagated. This, however, causes a ringtone but Caller ID is transmitted. What i would like to achieve is the relay being open so no ringtone is propagated but once the caller ID has been checked then close the relay. This scenario makes the propagation loose the caller ID so I'm trying to figure out if there s some way to inject this information just before closing the relay.
If any one has any information on how to make a phone ring and send a Caller it would be great. I really don't care for the wall input... just need some info on how to get a phone connected to a board to ring showing a caller ID.
Certain things on the phone line depend on having an actual phone connected. The exchange monitors the line and does some things differently. Note that it can detect the ringer circuit of the phone even if nobody ever lifts the handset.
Find the standard and read the standard. That will tell you what resistor to substitute for the ringer.