Photoresistor triggering effects on sound


does anyone of you know of a project that uses light (photoresistor) to manipulate the shape, level etc of sound?

I am fascinated by these Lumanoise synths Lumanoise v.4 Trautonium Synthesizer Demo #TTNM - YouTube
and was wondering if there is a similar project to build with arduino.

Thank you very much

Just about the best project for this sort of things is this:- Mozzi
While not specifically using LDRs it is easy enough to add then by replacing a pot with a fixed resistor and an LED.

It's not easy to generate more than one tone/frequency and the regular Arduino doesn't have a true analog output. The device in the video might be completely analog.

As you probably know, you can sense light with a photoresistor (AKA LDR) and you can find examples for that.

And the tone() function can generate different frequencies (one frequency at a time) and there is an example of making a melody.

It would be easy to "connect" the LDR reading and tone() using the [u]map()[/u] function, or if-statements, or switch/case statements, or whatever you want...

Any filtering would have to be done with external (maybe analog) circuitry.