photosenser to trigger a relay after 5 sec of continuous below threshold value..

Hey People!

I have a photo sensor, a LED, and a relay. I am wanting to trip the power relay when the light beam to the photosensor is blocked and drops the photo sensor value below 400 for a period >= 5sec.

Photosensor works great with output values of 700 full beam and 250 with a blocked beam...I don't think I've got the logic with the timers quite correct. As it is now the relay triggers after 5 sec regardless of the photo sensor value....

Any advice would be most welcome! I'm learning lots from this forum!

Thanks in advance


                                              //This will trip a relay to open from NC to after a case jam state breaks a beam threshold for > 5 sec

int casefeedsensor = 0;                       //analog pin 0 - case feeder photo resistor sensor-- has a led beam to charge sensor to ~ 700 (no break) to 350(beam break)

int caserelay = 5;                            //Pin 5 relay to cut power to case feeder in the event of a case feed jam state via light beam break

//int oldvaluecase = 0;                           //previous  state of case feed sensor

int newvaluecase = 0;                            //current state of case feed sensor

unsigned long casefeedertimer;                 //case feed timer < threshold
unsigned long oldvaluecase;                    //case feed timer > threshold

void setup(){


  //oldvaluecase = 0;                             //initial state of case feed sensor 
  //casefeedertimer = 0;                                     

                                              //The relay pin as an output  - normally closed in wiring
  pinMode(caserelay, OUTPUT);

                                              //This is the default value, but we can set it anyways
  analogReference(DEFAULT);                   //5V Reference on UNO

void loop()

    int newvaluecase = analogRead(casefeedsensor);       // read the photosensor
    if(newvaluecase < 400)                              // no beam break val ~ 700  with beam break val ~350
    casefeedertimer=millis();                          // a below threshold value begins a casefeeder timer
    oldvaluecase=millis();     //above threshold timer updates
    if (casefeedertimer - oldvaluecase  > 5000)      // if greater than 5 sec goes by then relay will trip
    digitalWrite(caserelay, HIGH);                   //if val is < 400 (a beam break state) the relay cuts power to the case feed motor 

You have 2 different variables named newvaluecase. One is a global variable, the other is local to the loop() function and is declared each time through loop(). Which one is
    if(newvaluecase < 400) checking I wonder ? Logically it should be the one declared in loop(), but is it ?

Put some Serial.prints in your code to show the value of newvaluecase at various points and which sections of code are being executed.

I'm not sure if I have the logic of the timers correct in the code....anybody see what I don't see??

Much appreciated!


I changed the ">" to "<" in this line:

    if (casefeedertimer - oldvaluecase  < 8000)      // if greater than 5 sec goes by then relay will trip
{    digitalWrite(caserelay, HIGH);                   //if val is < 400 (a beam break state) the relay cuts power to the case feed motor 

and the relay will not trip as long as the beam is not broken....but if the beam is broken the relay trips after 1 sec (approx) no mater what the value is after the "<"

Not sure what is occuring??

Any suggestions??


It appears that each time you go through the loop you evaluate:

 if(newvaluecase < 400) 

If the beam is broken you set casefeedertimer=millis(); .
Therefore casefeedtimer is always close to millis() as it is reset each time the loop executes.
You will never evaluate true for " if (casefeedertimer - oldvaluecase > 5000)" while the beam is broken as casefeedertimer and oldvalues will always remain almost identical.