I am using an Uno Wifi with 2 x Megamoto to move 2 linear actuators, which are lowering and or raising a mowing deck to target height.
My issue is - when I trigger switch one ( a toggle switch) to "arm" the system, the sketch ignores the initial triggering of the switch. When I check the Serial Monitor - I can see that the Arduino recognizes that the input has moved to "high", and the correct Switch - Case has been chosen, but no action has happened. If I cycle the switch once, then the actuators move as intended.
This also occurs with the Switch 2 input. I have to cycle the switch a 2nd time, then the system works.
If I leave the sketch running for a period of time, say 5 minutes, the issue reappears. Switches have to be cycled 2 times for the action to happen.
Any thoughts?
/* Update August 16 2022
Rowmower V2
Chuck Baresich
This code is to move 2 linear actuators based on 2 input positions. Positions are up and down, with the fully lowered position being default.
Each actuator being controlled with timing
----- Sketch adapted from the following sources:
Linear Actuator Control using preset position
Demo MegaMoto Robot Power test sketch
Set up global variables for each linear actuator
Actuators from Progressive Automations, model PA-17
Actuator 1, "left" is the actuator on the left side of the frame
PA 1706; 10" stroke, with 0.55 to 0.66" per second under load or no load
Actuator 2, "right" is the actuator lifting the frame on the right side
Positions: booleans to record where the Actuators actually are or were
Fully extended means frame is fully raised. Fully retracted means frame is fully lowered
Positions are named for their associated "position"
p1: fully extended
p2: Mid Point
p3: fully retracted (default)
p1: fully extended
p2: Mid point
p3: Fully retracted (default)
// logical positions of the actuators
boolean pos1, pos2, pos3;
boolean leftExtending;
boolean leftRetracting;
boolean rightExtending;
boolean rightRetracting;
// constants for timing of the actuator movement
const float outSpeed = 0.50;
const float inSpeed = 0.60;
const float stroke = 10;
// constant for target height, used to determine position 2 location
const float height = 4;
const float targetPos = stroke - height;
const float leftFactor = 1100;
const float rightFactor = 1000;
// may not need these
const float pos1Stroke = stroke;
const float pos2Stroke = targetPos;
const float pos3Stroke = stroke;
// Extend timing
// left
const float leftOutToP1 = (pos1Stroke / outSpeed) * leftFactor; //
const float leftOutToP2 = (pos2Stroke / outSpeed) * leftFactor; //
const float leftOutToP3 = (pos3Stroke / outSpeed) * leftFactor; //
// right
const float rightOutToP1 = (pos1Stroke / outSpeed) * rightFactor;
const float rightOutToP2 = (pos2Stroke / outSpeed) * rightFactor;
const float rightOutToP3 = (pos3Stroke / outSpeed) * rightFactor;
// Retract timing
// left
const float leftInToP1 = (pos1Stroke / inSpeed) * leftFactor;
const float leftInToP2 = ((stroke - targetPos) / inSpeed) * leftFactor; // from fully extended
const float leftInToP3 = (pos3Stroke / inSpeed) * leftFactor;
const float rightInToP1 = (pos1Stroke / inSpeed) * rightFactor;
const float rightInToP2 = ((stroke - targetPos) / inSpeed) * rightFactor; // from fully extended
const float rightInToP3 = (pos3Stroke / inSpeed) * rightFactor; //*************************************
// Constants for inputs for height selection switches, labeled 1 for Extended, 2 for Target, and 3 for Retracted
const int b1Pin = 2; // if there is no input on this pin, then system is considered disarmed and actuators fully extend
// if there is input on b1Pin, then system is considered arm and defaults to fully retracted.
const int b2Pin = 4; // Trigger to raise to target height
int b1State = 0;
int b2State = 0;
// constants for stability of actuator movement
const float coarse = 500;
const int pwmFast = 255;
const int pwmLFast = 255;
const int pwmSlow = 120;
const int pwmStop = 0;
// MegaMoto Plus - bottom is Left actuator, top is right acuator
// Left - Use Pin 8 to enable
// Extend - Pin 11
// Retract - Pin 3
// Right - use Pin 8 to enable
// Extend - Pin 9
// Retract - Pin 10
const int enablePin = 8; // enables both Mega Motos
const int leftExtendPin = 11;
const int leftRetractPin = 3;
const int rightExtendPin = 9;
const int rightRetractPin = 10;
int pwmL, pwmR; // for left and right actuators
int current;
int actuatorTarget;
const byte CPin = 0; // analog input channel
int CRaw; // raw A/D value
float CVal; // adjusted Amps value
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
void setup() {
// Set pin modes
// Boom switch input pins
pinMode(b1Pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(b1Pin, LOW);
pinMode(b2Pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(b2Pin, LOW);
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);
pinMode(leftExtendPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftRetractPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightExtendPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightRetractPin, OUTPUT);
//Set initial actuator settings to pull at 0 speed for safety
pwmL = pwmStop; pwmR = pwmStop;
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(leftRetractPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
analogWrite(rightRetractPin, pwmR);
// Calibrate Actuators by extending them fully first.
Serial.println(" Extending Left and Right Actuators");
pwmL = pwmLFast; pwmR = pwmFast;
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
delay(stroke / outSpeed * leftFactor);
// now that they are extended stop them.
Serial.println("Stopping the Actuators");
digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);
pwmL = pwmStop; pwmR = pwmStop;
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
pos1 = true; pos2 = false; pos3 = false;
leftExtending = false;
leftRetracting = false;
rightRetracting = false;
rightExtending = false;
} // End setup
void loop()
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (leftExtending == false && leftRetracting == false) {
switch (actuatorTarget)
case 3: // case 3, Position 3. Left and Right to be fully retracted
Serial.print(" C3 Actuator needs to be at P3 ");
switch (current)
case 53: // Actuators already in Position 3
Serial.print(" Actuator = P3 ");
pos1 = false;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = true;
case 52: // Actuators were in Position 2
Serial.print(" Actuator = P2 go to P3 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= (leftInToP3 - leftInToP2)) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = false;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = true;
case 51: // Actuators were in Position 1
Serial.print(" Actuator = P1 go to P3 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= leftInToP3) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = false;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = true;
case 2: // Actuators need to be in Position 2, the target
Serial.print(" C2 Actuators need to be at P2");
switch (current)
case 51: // Case 1, actuators were in position 1
Serial.print(" Actuator = P1 go to P2 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= leftInToP2) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = false;
pos2 = true;
pos3 = false;
case 52: // Case 2 - actuators already were in Position 2
Serial.print(" Actuator = P2 ");
pos1 = false;
pos2 = true;
pos3 = false;
case 53: // Case 3 - actuators were in Position 3
Serial.print(" Actuator = P3 go to P2 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= leftOutToP2) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = false;
pos2 = true;
pos3 = false;
case 1: // Actuators need to be in Position 1, fully extended
Serial.print(" Actuators need to be at P1 ";
switch (current)
case 53: // Case 3 - Actuators were in Position 3
Serial.print(" Actuator = P3 go to P1 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= leftOutToP1) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = true;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = false;
case 52: // case 2: Actuators were in Position 2
Serial.print(" Actuator = P2 go to P1 ");
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= (leftOutToP1 - leftOutToP2)) {
// what we want to be the case
pos1 = true;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = false;
case 51: // case 3, actuators already were in Position 1
Serial.print(" Actuators = P1 ");
pos1 = true;
pos2 = false;
pos3 = false;
//Serial.print(" PWML: ");
//Serial.print(" PWMR: ");
Serial.print(" Act Target");
Serial.print(" current : ");
//Serial.print(" B1 : ");
//Serial.print(" B2 : ");
// -----------------------------START STATES ---------------------------------------------------------
// states set up
// actuator 1 - default, 1, 2, 3
// actuator 2 - default, 1, 2, 3
void updateBoomSwitchState()
b1State = digitalRead(b1Pin);
b2State = digitalRead(b2Pin);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void updateActuatorTargets()
// b1 is on means system is armed
// b2 is on means move to target position
if (b1State == HIGH && b2State == HIGH) // system armed, move to target position
actuatorTarget = 2;
else if (b1State == HIGH && b2State == LOW) // system is armed, move to default retracted position
actuatorTarget = 3;
else // Ignore all other switches, move system to fully extended position
actuatorTarget = 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void updateActuatorCurrentPosition()
//if (leftP3 == true && rightP3 == true)// left and right are fully retracted
if (pos3 != false)
current = 53;
else if (pos2 != false)//(leftP2 == true && rightP2 == true) // left and right partially extended
current = 52;
else if (pos1 != false) // left and right are fully fully extended
current = 51;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void updateExtendFast()// Used to extend both actuators
leftExtending = true;
rightExtending = true;
// rightRetracting = false;
pwmL = pwmLFast;
pwmR = pwmFast;
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
// analogWrite(leftRetractPin, 0);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
// analogWrite(rightRetractPin, 0);
void updateExtendSlow()// Used to extend both actuators
leftExtending = true;
//leftRetracting = false;
rightExtending = true;
//rightRetracting = false;
pwmL = pwmSlow;
pwmR = pwmSlow;
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
// analogWrite(leftRetractPin, 0);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
// analogWrite(rightRetractPin, 0);
void updateRetractFast()// Used to retract both actuators
// leftExtending = false;
leftRetracting = true;
// rightExtending = false;
rightRetracting = true;
pwmL = pwmFast;
pwmR = pwmFast;
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
analogWrite(leftRetractPin, pwmL);
// analogWrite(leftExtendPin, 0);
analogWrite(rightRetractPin, pwmR);
// analogWrite(rightExtendPin, 0);
void updateRetractSlow()// Used to retract both actuators
// leftExtending = false;
leftRetracting = true;
// rightExtending = false;
rightRetracting = true;
pwmL = pwmSlow;
pwmR = pwmSlow;
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);
analogWrite(leftRetractPin, pwmL);
// analogWrite(leftExtendPin, 0);
analogWrite(rightRetractPin, pwmR);
// analogWrite(rightExtendPin, 0);
void updateStop() //Used to stop actuators
digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);
leftExtending = false;
leftRetracting = false;
rightExtending = false;
rightRetracting = false;
pwmL = pwmStop; pwmR = pwmStop;
analogWrite(leftExtendPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(leftRetractPin, pwmL);
analogWrite(rightExtendPin, pwmR);
analogWrite(rightRetractPin, pwmR);
// -----------------------------------------------end of states ---------------------------------------