Well I dont think its a scam.. (by any means).
I have used it before..and still have a few.. it just never really took off..and with the developer on military leave.. its been dead..but I still want to continue to 'play'.
It is a regular old PIC24F chip..but has an 'interpreter'/API over it..
the SD card is just for testing stuff int he breadboard..in a final project it wouldnt be like that of course..
you can use the API/functions it has available for you..and write your own 'program' to make the chip do whatever you want...re-usable so to speak. I dont need to flash a chip or do anything..I just change the text file/program
the chip grabs this 'config' (called MODULE.TXT) form the SD card and loads it.. so the chip knows what to do...
Im not entirely sure about what you mean by 'interface shields'..
but I knwo I hook up a speaker to the SND pin..and anytime I call the PLAY1() function it plays a .wav file (housed on the SD card like I mentioned previously)..
I also know I hook up my accelerometer to the ADC pins..and have it watch my accelerometer.. I make some small routine in the MODULE.TXT file to check for a threshold..and if met..play a sound.
non of this extra interface shield for sound or SD card
her is a pic of my layout
blue network cable thingy is my accelerometer...
the brown/brown white wires are my speaker..
I believe the OPEN SOURCE means the API/interpreter used..gives you documentation on the function available with some samples...and you do what you want with it..
As far as the Open Sabe Project..that was a section devoted to using this ReplicantFX chip in LightSaber/Props specifically..so ther was a section created to talk about needs, code and also hardware to integrate an LED driver board for it..
but using LIGHTSABER is trademarked by LucasFilms..and sometimes results in C&D letters..
its the CHIP and API that is the item...everythign else is just extra to help you test..what or how you using in your final implementation is not sites concern really..
As far as the Arduino.. yes if you just take the Arduino starter kit and use it to flash stuff/code/program to ANOTHER chip..that will be popped into a another PCB with a socket or something..maybe this IS the avenue to pursue.. but a full Arduino board in anything.. that need to be 1.0" x 2.5" MAX doesnt seem feasible to me..that Ive seen.. the nano maybe.. but still needs WAY other components to be added for the final goal..and the nanos were $40-$60 bucks last I checked..
I did think the Arduino was a nice alternative to the dead ReplicantFX project...'however' "I" cant be sure..because I dont have much experience..but from the things you have said that were to'prove' it was..just seemed to make me think it wasnt..
I have to use all these 'interface shields' for an accelerometer and SD card..where as in the ReplicantFX comparison I just wire it directly to the pins..and the CODE sets the pins to what I need..and the code I write checks for the accelerometer threshold..and then does 'whatever'... I just place .wav files on the SD card along with the MODULE.txt file...
I simple turn on the SOUND pin
and use the PLAY1() function..and sound comes out..
I think you may be confused that Im trying to 'dog' the Arduino..or compete the two.
Im definitely not.
Im saying..Im looking for similar since the ReplicantFX chip is dead for the time being...
I was looking to start trying learning to program PIC from scratch myself.. (yes, long road..I know).. but someone told me the Arduino may be something to look into.. or even just AVR's over PICs in general.
so I came to ask.
In the end..the Arduino chip (or however that works)
needs to be pooped into a SOUND and LED DRIVER all-in-one board..
so that it can:
1.) once powered on.. play Sound A
2.) while powered on.. keep looping SOUND B as long as it has power/is on
3.) when powered off play SOUND C
(I was hoping to keep these on an SD card so it easy to update the sounds or even have multiple sounds and have code just grab the selected audio file depicted by a variable or a switch)
4.) use either an accelerometer or analog sensors to play a sound when certain threshold or sensor is activated (3 sensors in all, or if accelerometer based, X, Y & Z access..as well as code for an abrupt stop in movement..like a BANG on the board)
5.) Have PWM support to fade in a HIGH powered LED when it is turned on.. as fade out a HIGH powered LED when turned off.
optionally while the board is on..and playing SOUND B above..possibly flicker the LED using some PWM loop to slightly DIM it
the the MAIN gist of it..
It seems like doing this is 'hard' work? Not that Im scared of hard work.. I love ot learn new stuff as a matter of fact..
but using the ReplicantFX chip made this somewhat easier.. form my breadboard I took the chip pooped into my PCB layout..that had voltage regulator, caps/resistors.. and bunch of solder pads for speakers (or accent LEDS)...etc.. and of course a nicely solder micro SD adapter tot he board.. where I transferred over my micro SD card as well.. and it was a done deal.
I hope this made sense..and cleared some things up for you..as well as cleared up what Im looking/aiming to do..
and hopefully you can still help enlighten me on if this is possible or even plausible.. keeping in mind my end goal. (and project footprint)