Hi there,
Im looking to switch 220v lights/fans, ect with my arduino, sparkfun has has a PIC and AVR relay development board , what is the difference between the 2?
Kind Regards,
Hi there,
Im looking to switch 220v lights/fans, ect with my arduino, sparkfun has has a PIC and AVR relay development board , what is the difference between the 2?
Kind Regards,
You get help here for the AVR and you don't for the PIC. ;D
Otherwise there is no real difference except you do different stuff to make it work. Just as easy or complex.
The free toolset is available for Linux, MAC and PC. I am not sure if the PIC has that level
of support for free tools.
(* jcl *)
its too much trouble to find and get working the free tools for pic even more on linux
There is software for the pic eg MPLAbs , but it's not very friendly.
Some Pics, do have the advantage of larger ram and flash memory, but I guess the AVRs have an equal version.
Why Pics , there are other chips out there too like the arm , sam chips ?
...and you kind of have to wonder what a companies priorities are when they go into lawsuit mode... (few of which come out in their favor)
eh ?